Bold360 AI 21.6 release notes

Bold360 AI version 21.6 contains the following new enhancements:

Bold360 Mobile SDK releases

Beta features

Important: The following features are available for Beta customers only. Contact your Success Manager to try these features.

Enhanced Smart Advisor

Important: Smart Advisor is available to agents if Bold360 Agent is integrated with Bold360 AI and it is enabled on both platforms. There are two versions of Smart Advisor available, one is available by default after the integration, the other must be enabled on account level and set up in Bold360 AI. For more information contact your Customer Success Manager.

Smart Advisor now contains the following enhancements:

  • It continuously displays suggestions based on the customer's questions.
  • Articles the agent suggests are now added to the Smart Advisor knowledge base.
  • Searches the agent completed in the Smart Advisor can now optionally be displayed in voices and Business Insights.
  • Context can now be set for the Smart Advisor touchpoint to control what articles it shows.

See the new features that the previous release introduced:

Bold360 AI 21.5 release notes