How to define welcome messages for chat invitations

You can now proactively invite your website visitors to chat by displaying a welcome message that could appear above the chat icon in Slim and Harmony widgets.

To invite visitors to chat, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Widgets.
  2. Click Personalize under the widget type that you want to change.
  3. Select a knowledge base or URL to customize.
  4. On the Basics tab, make sure you have an Auto Question selected.
  5. On the Position & Size tab, click Customize next to Welcome Mode and select the Invite option.
  6. Optionally, define a delay to display the welcome message in the Welcome mode welcome message trigger time (in seconds) field.
  7. Save your changes.

Define context-sensitive welcome messages

You can use article variations of a selected welcome message to personalize customer experience based on context. Context must be defined in the widget code.

To select a context-specific welcome message, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Widgets.
  2. Click Personalize under the widget type that you want to change.
  3. Select a knowledge base or URL to customize.
  4. On the Basics tab, make sure you have an Auto Question selected.
  5. Select the Context-sensitive Auto Question option.
Note: When you select an article for welcome message that has variations and do not select the Context-sensitive Auto Question option, then you must select a variation to be displayed for customers as welcome message.