How to prevent an iframe support center from opening without the hosting page parent

The iframe URL is different from the page in which the iframe is displayed. In some cases, you may not want to use the iframe domain directly. The default behavior of the system allows users to use a direct link to the iframe URL, unless coming from Google.

Make sure that you run iframe files version 2 or above. If not, contact your Customer Success Manager or Bold360 AI support to help you upgrade to the latest version.
To prevent using the direct iframe URL in all cases, do the following:
  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center > Settings and make sure Main Site URL is the URL of the page that uses the iframe and is used as the support center page.

    This address is used when redirect is necessary.

  2. Go to Page Templates > Master Page.
  3. Find the iframeHelper function and add dontAllowJustiframe:true.


    window.iframeHlpr=new iframeHelper({parentURL:"< %Site.MainSiteUrl% >",iframeBasicURL:"< % Site.Domain % >"});


    window.iframeHlpr=new iframeHelper({parentURL:"< %Site.MainSiteUrl% >",iframeBasicURL:"< % Site.Domain % >", dontAllowJustiframe:true});