How do I change the floating widget size?

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Widgets.
  2. Under Floating Widget, select Personalize.
  3. Select the knowledge base or URL you want to customize.
  4. Select Position & Size and make changes to the settings.
    Name Description
    Bottom margin The distance in pixels from the bottom.
    Side margin The distance in pixels from the side. The default is 10.
    Minimized width The widget's width when minimized, before mouse-over.
    Note: This option is only relevant when Minimized widget mode is set to Normal or Normal with minimize.
    Expand on rollover When selected, the widget expands when the mouse hovers over it.
    Note: This option is only relevant when Minimized widget mode is set to Normal or Normal with minimize.
    Important: This option works when a website uses the code available in the touchpoint configuration.
    Expand on page load When selected, the widget expands when the page loads.
    Important: This option works when a website uses the code available in the touchpoint configuration.
    Open on click The widget opens when the visitor selects it.
    Float auto-minimize timeout The amount of time the widget is visible for.
    Minimized widget mode You can select how the widget behaves when minimized.
    Minimized icon This option becomes available for widgets with Harmony skin when Minimized widget mode is set to Minimized. You can upload a custom image for the minimized widget mode.
    Welcome Mode You can now proactively invite your website visitors to chat by displaying a welcome message that could appear above the chat icon in Slim and Harmony widgets.
    Important: This option works when a website uses the code available in the touchpoint configuration.

    Welcome mode welcome message trigger time (in seconds)

    This option becomes available when Welcome Mode is set to Invite. Enter the number of seconds to wait before the welcome message is presented.