How do I add the Bold360 AI Widget to the LivePerson Agent Console?

To integrate the Bold360 AI widget into the Live Person Agent console, you must set up Bold360 AI and the Live Person console as well.

Bold360 AI setup:

For information on setting up the integration in Bold360 AI, read this article. If you need more help with setting up Bold360 AI, contact your Customer Success Manager.

LivePerson setup:

  1. Login to your Liveperson admin console.
  2. Go to Rules > Visitor Rules > Rule Types and click When chat is established.
  3. Click New Rule.
  4. Fill in the name and description fields. You can enter Bold360 ai integration into both fields.
  5. Add Action as follows:
    • Type: "Operator Alerts"
    • Description: "Show Bold360 AI widget"
    • HTML: Paste the following HTML code to the HTML field and replace youraccountname with the name of your Bold360 AI account:
            <!--openNewTab="Bold360 AI" keepBrowser="true"-->