What are the custom charts?

Custom charts provide visual representation of a variety of parameters and allow you to explore their behavior over a selected period of time.

To create a custom chart, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Analytics > Custom charts.
  2. Click on a tab to select a category that you are interested in.
  3. Select the fields you would like display on a chart.
  4. Click Create Chart to see the result.
  5. Select the date range and the level of details from the Analysis drop-down list in the top-right corner of the chart to display an updated report.

You can Download the data by clicking the download icon under the date range selector.

What charts are available?

You can display the following custom charts:

Traffic page

Page Loads: The number of times visitors loaded a page that contains a Bold360 AI widget.

Visits: The number of viewing sessions by visitors to your site. A visit starts when a visitor lands on your website. The end of the visit typically occurs when the visitor leaves your site or is inactive for more than 30 minutes. The difference between page loads and visits is that a visit will only be counted once per session. Meaning if a user opens two pages both containing a Bold360 AI widget that would count as two page loads but a single visit.

Engagements: A visit in which Bold360 AI capability was used at least once (such as typing a question or selecting an article) in order to fulfill their need. An engagement may include one or more interactions.

Non-Active Visits: The number of visits in which a visitor did not engage with the Bold360 AI widget. Visitors had the option to use the widget but did not necessarily use it.

Absolute Unique Visitors: The number of unique visitors who visited a page that contains the Bold360 AI widget.

Absolute Unique Active Visitors: The number of unique visitors who visited a page that contains the Bold360 AI widget and used it.

Returning Visitors: The number of Absolute Unique Visitors who had seen the widget more than once, but did not necessarily used it.

Daily Visitors: The number of visitors each day on a page that contains the Bold360 AI widget. This number is the total of Daily Active Visitors + Daily Non-Active Visitors.

Daily Active Visitors: The number of visitors who actively engaged with the Bold360 AI widget on a page each day.

Daily Non-Active Visitors: The number of visitors who visited a page that contains the Bold360 AI widget but did not engage with the widget.

Total Asked Questions: The number of interactions that you can also view on the Dashboard. Interactions include answered, unanswered, and escalated questions.

Answered by Bold360ai (including escalated): The number of customer questions that were answered, including those that were also escalated. This number is the total of Total Resolved by FAQs + Total Resolved by support center + Total Resolved by Search + Total Answered by Auto-Complete.

Total Answered and not Escalated Questions: The number of customer questions that were answered and not escalated.

Total Resolved by FAQs: The number of questions that were answered by FAQs, which you can set up in the touchpoint configuration for widgets and Support Centers as well.

Total Resolved by support center: The number of questions that were answered by the navigation are on the Support Center.

Total Resolved by Search: The number of questions that were answered by the search widget.

Total Answered by Auto-Complete: The number of questions that were answered by the user selecting an auto-complete suggestion.

Liked: The number of answers that customers liked by clicking the appropriate button.

Disliked: The number of answers that customers disliked by clicking the appropriate button.

Total Escalations: The total number of questions that customers escalated. This number is the total of Chat Escalations + Chat Invitation Escalations + High-Value Chats + Email Escalations + Click To Call Escalations

Chat Escalations: The number of questions that customers escalated through chat.

Chat Invitation Escalations: The number of questions that customers escalated in a chat invitation.

High-Value Chats: The number of questions that were considered as high-value and which automatically kicked off a chat escalation.

Email Escalations: The number of questions that customers escalated through email.

Click To Call Escalations: The number of questions that were escalated by phone (by clicking the Phone button).


These charts provide information about the usage of Bold360 AI widgets.

Visits Usage Rate: The percentage of visits during which the customer engaged with the Bold360 AI widget.

Visitors Usage Rate: The percent of visitors who use the Bold360 AI widget.

Escalation Reduction Rate: The percentage of customer questions that were not escalated.

Like Rate: The percentage of answers that customers liked by clicking the appropriate button.

Escalation Rate: The percentage of customer questions escalated to any channel.

Satisfaction Rate: The percentage of customers who were satisfied with the response they received. Calculated as Answered questions with no negative signal (not channeled and no negative feedback given) / number of questions.

High-Value Chat Rate: The percentage of high-value questions that automatically kicked off a chat escalation.

Support Center

These charts provide information about the usage of your support center.

Visits: The number of customers who visited a page that contains the Bold360 AI widget.

Page loads: The number of pages containing the Bold360 AI widget that were visited.

Organic Visits: The number of visits generated via search engines, such as Google.

Total Resolved by support center: The number of questions that were answered by a Support Center.

Knowledge-Base Size

These charts provide information about the content of your selected knowledge base.

Questions in Inbox: The number of tickets that you have received in the Bold360 AI ticketing system if the ticketing feature is available in the knowledge base.

Ready to Publish: The number of articles that your agents suggested as new content and have not been published yet. You find these articles on the Knowledge > Suggested Content page.

Online Questions: The total amount of phrases (including titles) modeled in the knowledge base.

Online Answers: The total number of articles that you have in your selected knowledge base.

Knowledge-Base Usage

These charts provide information about the tickets in your selected knowledge base.

Answered Tickets: The number of tickets answered in the selected knowledge base.

Added Tickets: The number of articles added to the selected knowledge base.

Deleted Tickets: The number of articles removed from the selected knowledge base.


These charts provide information on each user of your Bold360 AI account.

Online Answers Added: The number of articles added to the selected knowledge base.

Deleted Answers: The number of articles deleted from the selected knowledge base.

How to differentiate between positive and regular channeling for high-value chats

Positive channeling indicates intentional channeling. For example, when a specific intent indicates a customer is at risk and your strategy is to help this customer with a live agent. To add channeling value to an article, select High value for Channel Value on the Options tab in the Article Editor.

This impacts channeling statistics between high-value and regular channeling on the Dashboard.

Important: Channeled high-value interactions are still considered as unresolved from a self-service point of view. Therefore, the self-service score will be 0 for an interaction that was channeled from a high value article.