Google Analytics Integration overview

Bold360 AI allows you to track your visitor's behavior and activity using the Google Analytics platform.

Note: If you are using Google Analytics 4, you'll need to implement custom code on your website to send data. For more information contact your Customer Success Manager.

There are two ways to implement Google Analytics snippet: synchronous and asynchronous. Currently, we only support the asynchronous snippets.

Google Analytics integration is enabled by your Customer Success Manager and you will be able to see the results in your GA Dashboard within 24 hours of activation.

Our goal is to allow maximum transparency and usability of the Bold360 AI framework to drive a better customer experience and, ultimately, value: BI, conversion increase and cost-reduction.

Custom events

If you want to send additional/customizable events, you can use our events API to trigger custom functions, including Google Analytics sending sequences. See our Events API documentation below:

Bold360 ai Events API (Arcade and Modern)

Bold360 ai Events API (Slim)

If you use our Support Center, it is also possible to add custom events for visitor's interaction there. For example, you can track click events on navigation, escalations, articles feedback and so on.