What are the data source URL options?

Use these options when providing a link to a file or an API link in the Data Source URL field of a data source entity in Bold360 AI.

When creating a data source entity, you can either upload a CSV or a JSON file from your local drive or add a URL to such a file or provide the URL of an API as data source.

Entities support two types of HTTP methods to integrate an external URL: POST and GET. You can select a method from the drop-down next to the Data Source URL field.
The following options are also available for data source URLs:

  • URL inputs which enable you to add header and body content
  • Interval settings where you can set the refresh interval for how often the cached version of the file is to be refreshed
  • Download file to get a local copy of the file

URL Inputs

To integrate an external data source, you may need to use specific parameters, headers or include specific data in the body of the request when you send it to the server that stores the data files.

When you select (URL Inputs), you have the option to add parameters, headers and a body in case of POST requests. It is possible to include another entity as a parameter, in the header and in the body in which case this entity is listed as a dependent entity under the Properties table. See How to create API-based entities to learn more.


In several cases, POST requests require specific headers to be sent to the server. When testing a POST request, the tool you're using might automatically add certain default headers without even showing them to you. Make sure you add all headers in the entity configuration.


In the body you can add content. The body of an HTTP request supports different formats for sending content. The format you should use depends on what the receiving server expects. In the AI Console, POST requests in entities support raw format only.