How to create agent statuses

Create custom agent statuses to extend your options beyond the standard Available and Away.

  1. Create or edit an agent status, as follows:
    1. In the Web Admin Center, click Organization > Custom Agent Status. The Custom Agent Status page is displayed.
    2. Select an existing status or click Create New.

    Result: The New/Edit Custom Agent Status page is displayed.

  2. Enable and name your custom status.
  3. Under Channels, activate the status per channel, as required.
  4. Under Effect on Agent, choose whether agents are Available or Away when in this status.
  5. When Maximum time allowed in this status is enabled, the agent's status is automatically set to the status selected from the menu after the defined amount of minutes.
  6. To prevent users from manually applying this status, clear the box for Allow agents to change into or out of this status.

    When disabled, the status can only be altered via an API call or when the time expires for Maximum time allowed in this status.

  7. Save your changes.
The new agent status becomes available for agents working the selected channels.
Note: Although you can delete custom agent statuses, you cannot remove the default ones.

What are best practices for creating custom agent stauses?

We recommend creating custom Away statuses, such as lunch, meeting, and coffee break. This allows you to report on how long agents spend time in specific statuses rather than simply 'Available' and 'Away'.