Create a Chat Window

The chat window is where you configure the customer?s chat experience. It controls the look and feel and advanced behavior of the interface that is opened when a customer clicks an associated button. Chat windows can be customized in a number of ways.

Note: This article is part of a Quick Start Guide to help you implement your Bold360 environment from scratch.

To see the below steps in action, view our tutorial:

  1. In the Web Admin Center, go to Channels > Chat > Chat Windows.
  2. Click My Chat Window.
  3. On the General tab, do the following:
    1. Ensure Layered is selected for both Desktop and Mobile. We recommend using a layered window as opposed to a pop-up window to provide a modern, optimal user experience.
    2. For Messaging when agent not reached, select Condition-specific. This provides customers with more specific messaging (such as out of business hours or full queue) when agents are unavailable.
    3. If you want agents or customers to be able to send files, check Enable under File transfer. You can choose whether this is enabled from agent to customer, customer to agent, or both.

  4. If wanted, you can enable a pre-chat form, which will prompt customer for information before they are connected with an agent. To do so, navigate to the Pre-chat form tab.
    1. Enable pre-chat form. You can select For customer-initiated chats only.
    2. Choose the fields you want to include under Standard fields. We recommend using Name, Email, and Initial Question. To start, we recommend not making them Required as they may deter customers from chatting.

  5. On the Post-chat tab, do the following:
    1. You can choose to allow customers to send themselves a transcript. If so, enter the email address you want it to send from and choose whether it should be sent in Plain Text or HTML format.
    2. You can enable a Post-Chat form, which prompts a customer for feedback after their chat conversation ends. To do so, under Customer survey, choose option to Show when chat ends.
    • We recommend choosing If customer sends more than 2-3 messages
    • We recommend choosing Overall and Comments to start to keep it simple and encourage customers to fill out the survey. (Adding too many fields may deter customer from providing feedback). Using these two fields allows customers to provide a numeric score and open-ended feedback.
  6. You can customize the user interface of the chat window on the Customization tab. You can find a full list of customizable attributes here. Below, you?ll find the most important configuration items to change and where to do so:
    1. Layered - Basic > Colors > Header Background Color
    2. Layered - Basic > Window > Window Title
    3. Layered - Basic > Colors > Content Background Color (R, G, B)
    4. Layered - Basic > Colors > Button Background Color

  7. Save your changes.