Experiment Details report

The report shows advanced data showing how customers responded to items in your experiment compared to the control group.

Fastpath: report.boldchat.com > New Report > Experiment > Experiment Summary

For chat buttons, see the number of visitors to whom each button was presented and the number who accepted (clicked to chat). For invitations, see the number of visitors invited per test invitation and the number who accepted, declined, or ignored. You can also compare advanced conversion data for the items in your experiment.

See activity for a specified date range.

Experiment Groups
Name of the experiment group.
Number of customers who took part in the experiment.
Number of customers who started a chat session.
Invitations Qualified
Customers who met all the criteria for an invite, regardless of availability.
Invitations Sent
Number of invitations sent to customers.
Invitations Accepted
Number of invitations that customers accepted.
Invitations Ignored
Number of invitations that customers ignored.
The number of customers converted to the test item.
% of Customers Converting
The percentage of customers converted to the test item.
Conversion Amount
The total value of conversions.
$ / Conversion
The value of a single conversion.
Chat+Conv Same Visit
Conversions that had a chat during the same visit.
Conversion Amount
The total value of conversions that had a chat during the same visit.
Chat+Conv Prior Visit
Conversions that had a chat during any prior visits.
Conversion Amount
The total value of conversions that had a chat during any prior visits.