Operator Reports

View reports on your agents' performance.

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Survey report

Get an overview of how satisfied chatters are with the service your agents are providing. Provides an agent by agent view of performance on a variety of key indicators. For a total number of answered chats, the report shows the average speed of answer, average length of those chats, and the number/percent of completed after chat surveys. For completed surveys, the average scores for Responsiveness, Professionalism, Knowledge, and Overall Rating are presented. Reports cannot display customer feedback and comments.

All actions are reported as if executed by the final agent who answered the chat.

Reported data:

The name of the agent.
The number chats the agent answered.
Average Speed to Answer for answered chats. Calculates time from when the chat started to the time it was answered by an agent.
Average Chat Time for answered chats. Time from answering a chat until it ends. The time between the first agent answering the chat and the final agent assigned to the chat when it ends, adds up to the ACT calculation for the final agent. It represents the average length of all chats for a given entity (Date, Agent, Country, etc.) measured from time of assignment to end of chat.
The number of post-chat surveys that customers at least partially completed.
Survey %
The ratio of submitted post-chat surveys to all chats in percentage.
Customer's evaluation of the agent's responses.
Customer's evaluation of the agent's professionalism.
Customer's evaluation of the agent's knowledge.
Customer's overall evaluation of the agent.

Survey NPS report

This report provides an agent by agent view of performance on the after-chat survey. For completed surveys, the NPS scores are presented. The Net Promoter Score or NPS? is based on the fundamental perspective that every company's customers can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives and Detractors. This report can be filtered allowing different views of data.

All actions are reported as if executed by the final agent who answered the chat. NPS values are for those agents who handled chats last.

Reported data:

The name of the agent.
The number chats the agent answered.
The number of post-chat surveys customers submitted.
The percentage of detractors who gave an NPS score of 0-6.
The percentage of passive customers who gave an NPS score of 7 or 8.
The percentage of promoters who gave an NPS score of 9 or 10.
The NPS score of the agent based on customer evaluation, which is the displayed in the 0 - 10 report columns.

Activity report

Get an overview of the chat volume handled by your agents. For a total number of chats offered, see the number and percent that were answered vs. missed. A missed chat occurs either because the agent did not answer the chat before exceeding a wait-time threshold or because the customer abandoned the chat. The report also shows the average speed of answer, average duration of answered chats, the average message count, and the average amount of time it took the agent to respond after the customer submitted a message (average response time). The report can be grouped and filtered in several ways.

Note: The value of Chats Offered increases each time a chat is assigned. A single chat can be assigned multiple times; the value of Chats Offered is not necessarily the same as the actual number of chats.

Reported data:

Chats Offered
All chats offered to the agent.
The number of chats the agent answered.
Answered %
The percentage of chats that the agent answered.
The number of chats the agent did not answer.
Missed %
The percentage of chats that the agent did not answer.
Reassigned Chats
The number of chats that were transferred to other agents without the current agent answering them.
Reassigned %
The percentage of reassigned chats.
Abandoned Chats
The number of chats that ended without the agent answering them.
Abandoned %
Percentage of abandoned chats.
Assignment Average Speed to Answer for answered chats. Calculates time from when the agent received an assignment to the time the assignment was answered. AASA includes chats that either Automatic Distribution assigned to the agent or when the chat was transferred from another agent. AASA excludes assignments that the agent manually took from queue. See How to manually start chatting with the next customer in queue.
Average Chat Time for answered chats. Time from answering a chat until it ends. The time between the first agent answering the chat and the final agent assigned to the chat when it ends, adds up to the ACT calculation for the final agent. It represents the average length of all chats for a given entity (Date, Agent, Country, etc.) measured from time of assignment to end of chat.
Average message count for answered chats.
Average time for agent to respond to a customer's message.

Productivity report

Get an overview of how busy your chat agents are. Provides an agent by agent overview of their time spent chatting. For a given date range, the report shows how many hours and minutes the agent was available for chats, how much time they spent engaged in chats, how much time they spent idle, and a utilization calculation. The report also provides the amount of time spent handling concurrent chats, the agent's average response time, the number of chats they took per hour, and the maximum and average number of simultaneous chats.

Reported data:

Name of the agent.
Total time logged in as Available.
Total time logged in as Away.
Available (Chat Time)
Total time in at least one chat while logged in as Available.
Away (Chat Time)
Total time in at least one chat while logged in as Away.
Available (Idle Time)
Total time not in chat while logged in as Available.
Away (Idle Time)
Total time not in chat while logged in as Away.
Available (Utilization)
Percentage of time in chat while logged in as Available.
Away (Utilization)
Percentage of time in chat while logged in as Away.
Percentage of time either logged in as Available or logged in as Away but being in chat.
Time with more than one simultaneous chat while available.
Average time for agent to respond to a customer's message.
Average number of chats answered per hour.
Max Simult
Greatest number of concurrent chats for the given period.
Avg Simult
Greatest number of concurrent chats for the given period.

Custom Survey report

Provides an agent by agent view of performance on the default post-chat and custom pre/post-chat survey fields. For completed surveys, the raw scores for each custom field are presented and open ended comments are also included.

Custom Wrap-Up report

Provides an overview of data collected on custom wrap-up forms. Results are grouped by agents.

Note: For Bold360 Service subscribers, the calculation method of certain chat report metrics are affected by conversations with the chatbot as described in Chat reports involving a chatbot. When no custom operator filters are selected, chats assigned to the chatbot are excluded from report.