What is Smart Advisor 2.0?

The enhanced Smart Advisor 2.0 suggests answers to the agents in real-time based on what the visitor is asking in the chat.

Important: Both versions of Smart Advisor are available to agents if Bold360 Agent is integrated with Bold360 AI and is enabled on both platforms. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Smart Advisor is the intelligent search available in the Agent Workspace that agents can use while chatting with clients. It provides agents with access to the company’s knowledge base and enables collaboration between agents who chat with customers and knowledge base managers who create support and chatbot content. Smart Advisor 2.0 provides the following features:

Onboarding Cards

Smart Advisor displays onboarding cards by default, which enable agents to get up to speed on how to use the Smart Advisor panel. The content of the onboarding cards reflects the options enabled for Smart Advisor. For example, if comments are enabled, the related onboarding card is displayed.


Smart Advisor can display an FAQ, which may include articles that provide answers to hot topics: for example, if there is an outage, knowledge base managers can add an article to the FAQ so that agents see that article first in Smart Advisor.


To control what content is displayed in the Smart Advisor, the touchpoint can be set to take one or more contexts into consideration and only display articles that have the specified context. To learn more about how to set up the touchpoint in Bold360 AI, see this article in the Bold360 AI platform support center.

Article Information

Smart Advisor can display information about who updated the article last and when it was last updated. This information can be useful to agents: they can see whether the information is up to date and who they can contact about the article.


Smart Advisor can also display the labels associated with the article so that agents can decide if the content of the article is relevant to their query.

Articles with Links

Smart Advisor supports articles with links. Knowledge base managers can create articles that cover the initial question and detail the specifics in separate articles that readers can get to using quick buttons or links. This way agents can find the answers they’re looking for in an interactive way.


Agents can leave comments on how to improve an existing article. These comments are visible to all other agents in the Agent Workspace. Knowledge managers can find these comments on the Comments tab in the Article Editor for the relevant article.

Article Suggestion

Agents have two options to suggest content:

  • By choosing the Suggest as article option next to an answer they just entered in the chat
  • By choosing Suggest Article after their search yields no results

Either way, an article editor is displayed and they can provide a title for the article and enter content in the description field and submit their suggestion. Knowledge managers can find these articles in the Bold360 AI platform under Knowledge > Suggested articles.

Confidential Content

When Smart Advisor is enabled, knowledge managers can mark parts of an article’s content as confidential. Such parts are displayed differently in Smart Advisor and agents can’t copy them thus reducing the risk of sharing confidential information with people outside the company. For more information, see How can I mark parts of an article as confidential? in the Bold360 AI platform support center.