Using the Organization Center

The Organization Center provides you with the ability to set up Enterprise Sign-In (single sign-on) for your users. An organization is created when you verify ownership of one or more valid and unexpired domain(s) by registering the domain(s) with LogMeIn. Once your domain ownership has been verified, your organization is automatically created. This allows you to manage sign-in options for user identities that match your verified email domain(s).

To set up single sign-on (SSO), you must set up an organization using the steps below.

Before you get started...

You are required to have a LogMeIn product account in order to proceed.

Step #1: Set up your first domain

To get started, set up your initial domain, which will match the email domain of your users when they sign in to their Digital DX account.

Step #2: Add more organization users (optional)

If desired, you can add more organization admins who will be able to manage the Organization Center. Additional admins can assist in adding domains, users, and configuring your Identity Provider if you plan on setting up Enterprise Sign-In.

Step #3: Set up Enterprise Sign-In (SSO)

Now that you have created your organization, you can proceed to set up Enterprise Sign-In (SSO).

Organization Center Email Domains tab