How to use the Desktop Operator Client Dashboard

Enterprise subscribers can use the desktop Operator Client Dashboard to view a summary of account activity and track chats, website visits, emails, and more.

Important: To be able to edit and view the desktop Operator Client Dashboard, a user must have the following permission: Setup > Account Setup > General > Permission Groups > Can View Dashboard.

To access the operator client Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Enterprise account.
  2. On the desktop Operator Client left menu, click Dashboard.

Chart and Report Types ? desktop Operator Client

In any chart or report, click an item to view details.

A summary of chat activity on your sites, including current chats grouped by operator.
A summary of text message activity on your sites.
A summary of visitor monitoring activity on your sites, including the number of visitors on each page
A summary of email activity on your sites.

Add a report

A dashboard report is a summary of specific data about activity in your account in a chosen area. Reports are shown in rows and columns.

On the dashboard toolbar, click the icon corresponding to the service area you want to work with (Chats, Texts, Visitors, etc.) and choose the type of report to generate:
  • Show Active Report for current, real-time information.
  • Show Historic Report for information in the past (per Folder, Operator, or for your entire account).

Add a chart

To see a graphical representation of account activity, add charts to the operator client Dashboard.

Figure 1. Dashboard Toolbar (desktop Operator Client)
  1. On the dashboard toolbar, click Add Charts.

    Result: The Dashboard Chart Designer is displayed.

  2. Select the type of chart you want to add:
    • Chats
    • Texts
    • Visitors
    • Emails
  3. To hide rows or columns that contain no data, select Hide groups with no data.
  4. Choose Active Data or Historic Data.
    • Active for current, real-time information.
    • Historic for information in the past (per Folder, Operator, or for your entire account).
  5. Choose Grouping, Fields, and Type.
  6. Click Preview Chart or Add Chart to Dashboard.

Add/Remove fields

You can add or remove columns from any dashboard report.

Members of a Permission Group with the following account permissions can use this feature: Grid View Column Chooser

  1. On the dashboard toolbar, click the icon corresponding to the service area you want to work with (Chats, Visitors, etc.) and select Hide/Show Expanded Table Fields.

    Result: The Column Chooser window is displayed.

  2. Click and drag a field to the table headers above the rows in the grid. To remove a field, click the header and drag it back to the Column Chooser window.
  3. You can move the headings on the grid around by simply clicking and dragging them left or right. Also note, columns can only be added to the fully expanded view where you can view the actual chat, email, visit or call record.

Add Dashboard Notices

Dashboard notices are a type of alert that gets triggered when the specified criteria are met. Default notices are provided for each service area, or you can add your own.

  1. On the dashboard toolbar, click the icon corresponding to the service area you want to work with (Chats, Visitors, etc.) and choose the type of notice to generate:
    • Active for current, real-time information.
    • Historic for information in the past (per Folder, Operator, or for your entire account).

    Result: The Dashboard Notices window is displayed.

  2. Select criteria and set custom formatting.
  3. Click OK to save your changes.
When criteria are met, a notice is shown with the selected formatting applied.