How to set up a Chat Window definition

A Chat Window or Custom Chat Window definition controls the look and feel and advanced behavior of the interface that is opened when a visitor clicks an associated button, link, or invitation. Chat windows can be layered or pop-up, and can be customized in a number of ways.

Where do I create chat windows?

We recommend creating and managing chat windows from the following location: Setup > Account Setup > Chats > Custom Chat Windows.

How do chat windows relate to other BoldChat entities?

Any chart window can be associated with any chat entry point or invitation:

  • Custom Chat Button
  • Chat Link
  • Custom Chat Invitation

The direction of the relationship is from button/invitation to window.

A button can only launch one specific chat window, while a chat window can be launched from multiple buttons or invitations.

Why do we call it a "definition"?

It is important to understand that "chat window" does not refer to a simple window (as in the actual graphical user interface element a visitor sees), but rather a complex group of settings associated with that interface element. Together these settings make up a definition.

What is controlled by the Chat Window definition?

The chat window definition controls the following aspects of your visitors experience:

  • Pre-chat form
  • Post-chat form
  • Translations and localization (under Branding)
  • Operator wrap-up settings
  • Unavailable email form
  • Customization of the strings of text seen in the chat window
  • Automated messages to show visitors waiting for an operator
  • Branding settings such as colors, header and footer formatting, sounds, typing indicators, and more
  • Chat transcript settings
  • How long a visitor waits for an operator before timing out
  • Availability of video chat
  • Ability to send and receive files

What is a layered chat window?

As the name suggests, a layered chat window appears as a new element on your page instead of as a new window. Layered windows are optimized for display on mobile devices, but many users prefer them for desktop browsers, as well.