ACD Summary report

This reports shows Automatic Distribution performance in your environment.

Fastpath: > New Report > Chat > ACD Summary

Report availability: Premier and Enterprise.

Includes total chats assigned automatically to agents (offered), the number of chats that ended before the agent could answer it (abandoned), and the number of chats taken away from an agent and given to another because the customer's wait time exceeded your threshold (reassigned), chats that went unanswered and answered. The report also includes useful operational data like average message count, the average duration of chats, and the maximum number of customers waiting in queue and the maximum wait time for any chat.

Offered, abandoned, and reassigned chats are counted only once. For example, if the same chat was abandoned by the same agents more than once, it nonetheless shows in the report as one chat.

Chats started from a clicks or invites.
Chats started and ended but never answered.
1st Answer
Chats answered the by the first agent it is assigned to.
Chats reassigned from the agent it had been assigned.
Average Speed to Answer for Answered Chats. Time from when the chat Started to the time it was Answered by the agent.
Average Chat Time for answered chats. Time from answering a chat until it ends, specifically, all the time between the first agent answering the chat and the final agent assigned to the chat when it ends, adds up to the ACT calculation for the final agent.
Average Message Count for answered chats.
Max #
Maximum size of chat queue.
Max Time
Maximum wait time for any abandoned or answered chats.