As part of the upcoming transition from hosting of the Bold360/Genesys DX platform from LogMeIn's infrastructure to Genesys, you have to update some components of the Microsoft Teams integration so you can continue using it within your organization.
The date of service migration is April 9, 2022, CET 8:00-10:00. Please make sure that you perform the update before this date.


Genesys DX app installation

  1. Download the file. You can find the file at the bottom of this page as an attachment. 
  2. Go to or open your MS Teams Desktop App.
  3. Click Apps on the left sidebar.
  4. Click Manage your apps in the bottom left corner of the page.

  5. Click Upload an app to your org's app catalogue.

  6. Browse the package on your local computer and upload the file.

Locate the Genesys DX app in your MS Teams

  1. Click Apps on the left sidebar.
  2. Click Manage your apps in the bottom left corner of the page.
  3. Select Built for your org under Apps.
    You can see that both Bold360 and Genesys DX are listed.

    Note: After the maintenance date (9 April 2022), the Bold360 app itself becomes unavailable. The only exception is chat history, which is still going to be accessible through the Bold360 app.
  4. Click the Genesys DX app and in the prompt, click Add to add the app to your MS Teams.
  5. Following the app installation, if you search for Genesys DX in Apps or from Find an app, it becomes available as an active application.

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