AI Ticketing Articles

How do I configure the outgoing email settings (SMTP server configuration)?

To set up outgoing emails, you must configure Bold360 AI ticket email replies to go through your SMTP server

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  2. On the Ticketing Basics tab in the Outgoing email section, configure the following:
    • Under Sending email from, define the name of the outgoing e-mail
    • Under Reply-to address, define the outgoing e-mail address
    • Under Ticket status on reply, decide what happens to the ticket once a respond is sent; will it be closed on first reply or always closed
    • Select Send emails through custom SMTP server
    • Enter your SMTP server settings.
  3. Click Apply.

How to set up the display name of the e-mail sender in Bold360 AI?

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Ticketing Basics tab.
  2. Change the sender's name in the Sending email from field.

How can I proactively send an email to a customer from Bold360 AI?

Emails in Bold360 AI are handled through the ticketing system. Therefore, you must first create a new ticket:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Ticketing > Open tickets.
  2. Click the New tickets icon above the list of your tickets.
  3. In the User Email field, enter the customer's email address where you want to send an email.
  4. Make sure that the Send replies to this email address option is selected.
  5. Click Create and Open to create the ticket.
  6. Reply to the newly created ticket and click Send.

How do I set email forwarding to my Bold360 AI inbox?

You can associate your support e-mail address with the Bold360 AI ticketing system.

You can have all your support e-mails handled through one interface and based on a single knowledge base. To forward your support e-mails to the Bold360 AI incoming e-mail address, do the following:
  1. Go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Ticketing Basics tab.
  2. Copy the email address from the Inbox Address field.
  3. Click more addresses and select the label to be attached to the incoming ticket. If you do not select any label, emails will go to your Inbox.
  4. Save your changes.

How to reply to a ticket?

To answer an open ticket, do the following:

  1. Select a question to display the answer editor.
  2. At the bottom of the page, select one of the existing answers suitable for this question by using the Search for quick answers field, which presents suggested answers taken from your knowledge base. You can type in a query to find additional answers from the knowledge base.
  3. Click on a relevant answer to send this answer to the customer. You can edit the answer before sending.
  4. If no answer was found or you want to create a new answer, go to the Write Answer pane. A variety of links, images, videos and text types can be easily added to each answer using the toolbar.
  5. Choose one of the following options to choose what to do with your answer:
    • No, It's personal - to discard an answer after it is sent to the customer
    • Publish answer - Create an article from the answer and publish it into the knowledge base making it available for everybody
    • Decide later - Save the the answer and move it to the 'Suggested content' section under Knowledge. This answer will also be suggested to other agent's when answering a relevant ticket.
  6. At the Ticket Status field on the bottom left of the screen, select one of the following options:
    • 'Open' to define that this question still requires attention. The ticket will stay open and then added to the Open tickets queue.
    • Close to define that this question has been completely answered and no longer requires any more interaction with the customer. This ticket is automatically saved in the All Tickets branch, which contains all tickets' history.
  7. Click Send.

How to set up auto-replies in Digital DX AI?

You can set up automatic replies to your customers' emails. This is useful when you want to confirm that you have received an email.

  1. On the Admin Center > Ticketing Settings page, make sure you have a ticketing rule. See How do I create a rule in the Ticketing system?
  2. On the Ticketing Basics tab under 3rd party integration, type your organization's email address where you want to forward emails to.
  3. Select Basic for ticketing integration mode.
  4. Select the Pass customer mail address in Reply-To field option.
  5. Create the content of your automatic reply. See How to create an auto-reply when tickets arrive?
  6. Click Save Changes.

Setting Up Your SMTP Server and Your Ticketing System

Setting up the Digital DX AI ticketing system with your SMTP server is part of your initial configuration and setup process. The Digital DX AI ticketing system is the default ticketing system available to you, offering the ease of out-of-the-box technology, and automatically connecting to your knowledge base. The system also enables agents to leverage the Digital DX  AI knowledge base, meaning that they can provide full and accurate answers to customers in a speedy, efficient and timely manner.

There are three steps involved in setting up your ticketing system to function correctly and work in the most efficient manner possible:

  1. Setting up incoming mail
  2. Setting up outgoing mail
  3. Assigning Groups

Step 1: Setting up incoming mail

Once you have your Digital DX AI account, the first step in setting up your ticketing system is to configure your SMTP server to forward incoming customer support emails to the Digital DX AI ticketing system.

  1. Digital DX AI provides you with a default email address that will serve as the inbox address to be specified in your SMTP server. To access this default address, from your Digital DX AI dashboard, navigate to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Ticketing Basics.
  2. The default email address is displayed in the Inbox Address field.
    Note: If you have more than one Knowledge Base in your system that contains external information used by and relevant to customers, you have more than one default inbox email address and a separate procedure should be executed for each Knowledge Base.
  3. Configure your SMTP server to forward incoming email messages to the default Digital DX AI email inbox address.

Sending Ticketing to Specific Departments

You can further hone the scope of how customer support tickets are handled, by creating email ticketing specific to an internal department of the company, such as Sales, Marketing, IT Support or Billing.

  1. Create a specific Labels inbox for each department.
  2. Click Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Ticketing Basics.
  3. Click the More Addresses link, under the default email address in Ticketing Basics. In the drop-down menu available, a unique Digital DX AI inbox address is shown for each label.
  4. Select the label you require. This enables you to configure your SMTP server and create a specific, drill-down email address for a specific internal department in our company, that are sub-set emails of the initial email address displayed in the previous procedure, and that you can configure in your SMTP server.
Important: You must create these labels prior to performing the setup procedure.

Step 2: Outgoing Mail

The next step is to specify how outgoing customer support mail is handled, by configuring your SMTP server for outgoing mail.

  1. From your Digital DX AI dashboard, navigate to Settings = > Ticketing = > Ticketing Basics and go to the Outgoing Mail section.
  2. Specify the following fields:
    • Sending email from: Enter the name you wish to appear as the sender of any customer support email in the first field, and the email address from which these emails should be sent. Note: These settings must also be configured in your SMTP server.
    • Ticket status on reply: Choose either Closed on first reply or Always Closed, according to your company's customer support policy.
  3. Select the Send emails through custom SMTP server checkbox.
  4. Enter your SMTP host, username and password, and select the Server requires authentication and Use secure connection (SSL) checkboxes according to your SMTP setup.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Digital DX AI then performs a verification of the entered SMTP settings to check that the SMTP server can function. The settings will only be saved once the verification has determined that they are correct. The verification may take a few minutes.

If the verification fails, a message is displayed, with an explanation as to why the SMTP settings were not saved.

Step 3: Assigning Groups

You can further subdivide labels into groups to easily manage which agent handles what kind of ticket. User groups help differentiate between agents and their responsibilities, by enabling permissions to a group that determines which tickets can be assigned to members of that group. To create a group, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Users.
  2. From the menu on the top, click Groups > Create Groups link to display the Group Editor.
  3. Click the settings icon to configure the group settings.
  4. On the Advanced tab, select whether tickets are assigned to all agents or agents only from a specific Knowledge Base.
  5. Optionally, select whether agents can see all tickets to "cherry-pick" those, see all tickets but can choose only certain tickets, or see only those tickets which are assigned to them.

What are the ticketing integration modes?

Digital DX AI supports all e-mail forwarding integrations, which can be used across CRM and ticketing systems such as Salesforce, Kayako, or Zendesk.

Digital DX AI supports two e-mail forwarding modes:

  • Advanced: each e-mail is forwarded to the CRM with a reply address to the Digital DX AI system. When the CRM system 'replies', the answer is saved in Digital DX AI and sent to the customer by Digital DX AI.
  • Basic: each e-mail is forwarded to the CRM as if it was sent from the customer himself (with the customer's e-mail as the actual reply-to address). The CRM 'replies' directly to the customer. The CRM can 'cc' the Digital DX AI inbox so that Digital DX AI to learn the answer.

The email forwarding integration can be set under: Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Ticketing Basics tab and then select 3rd party integration.

Digital DX AI Ticketing System Overview

You can use the Digital DX AI ticketing system to process customer escalations.

You can access the ticketing system of Digital DX AI by selecting Ticketing from the menu on the left.

Once you open it, you have the option to view:

  • Open tickets
  • Tickets assigned to you
  • Unassigned tickets
  • All tickets

Open tickets is the main interface for the ticketing system. When a customer escalates a question to an agent, it is displayed in Open Tickets. This category contains the following:

  • New tickets, that is, tickets that haven't been answered yet
  • Non-closed tickets, that is, tickets that have been answered but not closed yet

With the ticketing system, you can:

  • Assign open tickets to agents
  • Create labels and assign them to tickets to group them
  • Search your knowledge base to find an answer to the customer's issue
  • Write a new answer or leave a comment on the ticket
It is possible to set up Digital DX AI to work with 3rd party ticketing systems. For more information see What are the ticketing integration modes?.

How to exclude dates from the SLA business hours?

In some cases, such as holidays and national holidays, it is important to add exclude dates to your SLA business hours.

  1. Go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > SLA Tracking.
  2. Under Special working days, click Add new.
  3. In the calendar, choose the date to be excluded in the SLA, then select Exclude.You can also choose Include to apply specific SLA hours for a specific date.
  4. Click Save changes.

Ticket Export API

You can use the Bold360 AI Ticket Export API to download ticket data to XML or CSV format.



Name Description
username The username used to log into (user account requires KB manager or admin permission).
password The password used to log into (user account requires KB manager or admin permission).
kb The target Knowledge Base.
label The label ID when you want to export tickets from a specific label.
month The target month, for example 7.
year The target year, for example 2013.
includeText Set to true to include the ticket correspondence.
  • Set to true to return overdue tickets
  • Set to false to return tickets that were not overdue
format Format should be set to one of the following:
  • xml
  • csv

Return values

The returned data will include the list of tickets, and each ticket will include the following information:

  1. Ticket title
  2. Ticket body
  3. Ticket email address
  4. Ticket Status (open or closed)
  5. Ticket Time & Date
  6. Agent Reply Time & Date
  7. Ticket correspondence

Viewing and working on the data in Excel

To view and work on the data in Excel, please follow the steps below:

  1. Browse to the API using your browser.
  2. Right click on the page and "Save As" to a CSV / XML file.
  3. Open the file in Excel.

How to create Email signatures

When setting up your ticketing system, you can configure your tickets and other outgoing system-based emails to display a signature. Signatures can be configured for emails sent from each of your Knowledge Bases. Bold360 AI has several out-of-the-box basic signatures and you can also add new personalized signatures.

To Create an Email Signature, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to the Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Signatures tab. The existing basic signatures are displayed.
  2. Optionally, select a signature for emails sent from a specific Knowledge Base from the drop-down lists below the signature templates.
  3. To create a personalized signature, click the New Signature icon, at the top of the My Signatures page. The Create Signature dialog is displayed.
  4. Name your new signature.
  5. From the Share with drop-down list, specify who can use the new signature:
    Note: In the body of the signature, the area with the generic Latin text represents the body of the email and cannot be modified at this stage.
    • If you select Only Me, your signature will be displayed in the list under My Signatures.
    • If you select Everyone, the signature will be displayed in the list under Shared Signatures.
  6. In the Header and Footer areas, you can add a branded logo, tagline and signature.

    To enter an image, ensure that you have your image saved to a proprietary URL. Click the image icon and enter the URL in the dialog displayed. To enter a tagline, select and replace the generic text.

    Optionally, use the following placeholders:

    • My name: %repName%
    • My Username: %username%
    • My Email: %repEmail%
    • User's email: %ticketEmail%
    • User's name: %name%
    • Ticket Title: %ticketTitle%
    • Message quote: %quote%
    • Context category: %context category%
  7. Click Create to save your new signature. You can select it from the list of available signatures.
  8. At the bottom of the My Signatures page, you have the following additional options:
    • Default Signature: Drop-down lists for each existing Knowledge Base, enabling you to select the required signature.
    • Limit Users to Default Signature checkbox: Select to only allow agents and users to use the a pre-defined default signature.
    • Users can create personal signatures checkbox: Select to allow users to create their own, personalized signatures.

HTML Form submission to ticket

You can create an HTML form and submit it as a ticket to your Bold360 AI inbox.

Your Bold360 AI inbox will receive a ticket, containing all the fields that are part of the submitted form.

Below is an example of an HTML form that submits a ticket to the Bold360 AI inbox:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Create ticket API (Custom Contact-Form)</title>
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Subject: <input type='text' name='subject' value='This is the title of the ticket' 
/><br />
Body: <textarea name="body">This is the body of the ticket</textarea><br />
Email: <input type='text' name='email' value='' /><br />
Name: <input type='text' name='name' value='johnny' /><br /> <!-- name custom field. You can create as many fields as you like. -->
Phone: <input type='text' name='phone' value='123456' /><br /> <!-- phone custom field. You can create as many fields as you like. -->
Label: <select name='labelId'> <!-- label selection by the dropdown selection-->
<option value='-1'>Select the inquiry type:</option>
<option value='12F1BE'>Billing</option> <!-- The value of the label (Label ID) can be obtained in the Bold360 ai inbox.  -->
<option value='78907B'>Support</option>
<option value='103C8C'>General</option>
<option value='9E0A'>Sales</option>
</select><br />
<div id='textD'></div> <input type="hidden" name='account' value='Nanorep' /> <!-- Enter your Bold360 ai account name --> <input type="hidden" name='kb' value='8CB9462F7AB2120' /> <!-- The target knowledge-base / inbox --> <input type="hidden" name='security_token' value='8CB9462F7AB2120' /> <!-- Please do not modify --> <input type="hidden" name='success_redirection_url'  value="/common/api/nonProtocolCreateTicketResponse.html" /> <!-- success url redirection -->
<input type="submit" value="submit"/>

The HTML form should meet the following requirements:

  1. The form must contain the four hidden fields (account, KB, security_taken and success_redirection_url).
  2. The form should POST to
  3. The KB is the target knowledge-base. The KB ID can be obtained by clicking on Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Ticketing Basic.
  4. The security_token should be the same as the knowledge base.

The ticket will be available in the Bold360 AI inbox and will include all the fields, which will be displayed under the ticket Details section.

How to limit agents to certain tickets (based on labels)?

When either of the 'take' options is selected in the ticketing permissions (View and take selected labels or Take selected labels), the agent will only have access to specific labels.

For example:In our last example ; For the Support group, we already selected the ticketing permission "View and take selected labels". Because we chose one of our 'take' options, the lables' table opens to choose labels. In our case, we chose only one label: the "Support" label. We chose it since we want all tickets labeled as "Support" to be viewed and taken by Dan, Roy and David, our support agents. We still need to set the ticket assignments abilities. This can be done once the group is created and we associated our agents, Dan, Roy and David with the "Support" group. These steps will be described next.

How do I setup a CRM/Ticketing System Integration?

The email forwarding integration can be set as follows:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  2. On the Ticketing Basics tab, go to the 3rd party integration section.
  3. Enter the email address where you want tickets to be forwarded to.
  4. Save your changes.

How to create a conversational form?

You may want your customer to fill in a contact form, and essentially create a ticket in the Bold360 AI platform. In this case, you can turn the contact form into a conversation so that only one question (field) is presented at a time.

To set up a conversational form, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Channeling > Contact Forms.
  2. Search for a contact form that you want the task bot to show customers field-by-field.
  3. Click the pencil icon under the contact form that you want to edit.
  4. On the Settings tab, select Support as Conversational.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Set up a channeling policy that uses the contact form:
    1. In the AI Console, go to Channeling > Channeling Policy.
    2. Click the Create channel icon above your list of policies.
    3. Name your channel and set its target audience. See How do I define a channeling policy?
    4. Under What to do, select Ticket for Channel type.
    5. Select Contact form for Button action.
    6. Select the contact form and ticketing interface that you want the bot to show your customers.
    7. Save your changes.

Contact forms that customers filled in are listed in Bold360 AI under Ticketing > Open Tickets.

How do I set a ticket status on reply?

Tickets have two statuses: open and close. You can set a ticket status when an agent replies to a ticket as follows:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  2. Under Outgoing email, select one of the following options from the Ticket status on reply drop-down list:
    • Ticket automatically closes on first agent reply.
    • Ticket will be closed automatically on every reply (all the time).
    • Ticket status will not change automatically, only if directly changed by the user.
  3. Save your changes.

How to change ticket status using labels

  1. In the AI Console, go to Ticketing > All tickets, and click the Label icon at the top of the window.
  2. Click Create label.
  3. Name the label.
  4. On the Advanced tab, choose the class of the status from the Status drop-down list.

When you add the new label to a ticket, the ticket will be set according to the label class status.

Note: You can also use rules to set up an automatic label assignment to a ticket.

Establishing your CRM/Ticketing System Integration

You can either use the existing Bold360 AI ticketing system for escalation of customer service calls or, if you already have an existing ticketing / CRM system, you can forward your Bold360 AI tickets.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  2. On the Ticketing Basics tab, scroll down to 3rd Party Integration.
  3. In the Forward all tickets to field, indicate the support address to which all tickets should be sent.
  4. Click Save Changes.

About Zendesk integration

Zendesk's ticketing system can serve as an escalation channel by sending tickets to the publishing center of Bold360 AI.

To integrate Zendesk with Bold360 AI, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  2. On the 3rd party integration pane, select Basic mode to retrieve the Bold360 AI publishing center email address.

  3. Create a new user in Zendesk and assign the publishing center email address to that user.
  4. Save the new user.
  5. Under Zendesk Business Rules, create a new Zendesk trigger as displayed here.

Once the trigger is created, the suggestion feature is available.

A draft is automatically created in the Bold360 AI publishing center if the agent selects the Suggest my answer option when sending the response.

How to enable full correspondence of ticket history

To view the full ticket correspondence on each ticket, a variable to the signature must be added as follows:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  2. On the Signatures tab, click on a signature to edit.
  3. Add the " %fullquote% " variable to the footer of the signature.
  4. Save your changes.

The ticket's history will now include each reply sent to the customer .

How do I assign a label automatically to certain URLs / pages?

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Widgets.
  2. Click Personalize under the widget type that you want to change.
  3. Choose the Knowledge Base, URL, or domain that you want to change.
  4. Go to the Advanced tab.
  5. In the Auto-Label Tickets (IDs) field, type the label that you want to assign automatically to escalated tickets.
  6. Click Save changes, and then click OK.The change is made instantly in the widget on your website.

What is an Action (Ticketing Rule Engine)?

Actions are the main issue. Without an action, the rule has no meaning because the rule addresses the action and determines the conditions under which the action occurs automatically. The actions you can set in a rule are:

  • Add label
  • Remove label
  • Assign to
  • Send email
  • Copy to inbox
  • Forward to email
  • Change ticket status

How to assign a label based on ticket title?

You can set a rule to automatically label tickets with a certain title (keyword) to a certain label. You first need to create the label (tag) to use.

To create a label, do the following:
  1. Click the label button.
  2. Click co Create label.

    Once you have labels, you can use the rule.

  3. Create a rule by using the condition "Ticket Title" and fill in the keyword.
  4. Select the Add label action and choose the label from the drop-down.

How do I configure Office365 SMTP server in my Bold360 AI account?

For SMTP server configuration, do the following:

  1. Set up an SMTP relay, using the Bold360 AI service IP address list.

    Refer to Microsoft's instructions here.

  2. Once you have the SMTP relay configured, in Bold360 AI, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Ticketing Basics tab.
  3. Specify the FROM address and the SMTP host to configure the SMTP settings in your Bold360 AI account. Other fields are not relevant.

How do I assign a label to a ticket?

  1. Go to Ticketing > Open Tickets or My Tickets and chose at least one ticket.
  2. Click the Label button in the upper toolbar (you can also find this button in the upper toolbar when editing a ticket).
  3. Select the relevant label from the drop-down list. You can select several labels by clicking Select multiple...

How do I label an article/ticket and how do I un-label it?

  1. Go to the knowledge-base for labeling knowledge-base Q&As or click inbox for labeling tickets.
  2. Create the labels you need.
  3. For labeling questions, mark the questions and click on Label. When inside an answer, click the Label button.
  4. Select the label. You can select several labels by clicking Select multiple...

To un-label questions, follow the same steps and click on the "Clear labels" link. W hen inside an answer, click the Label button and clear the label.

See also How can I search by a label?

How to create an auto-reply when tickets arrive?

You can set a rule to send auto replies to all tickets created in the inbox.

  1. In the AI Console, go to the Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Rules tab.
  2. In the When a new ticket is created group, click Add rule.
  3. In the Add action drop-down list, select Send email and then click the Edit email link.
  4. Edit the email you want to send.
  5. Use the replacements for auto reply: Email address [EMAIL], email subject [SUBJECT], email body [BODY]. Using the replacement templates will allow you to send an auto reply back to the sender (EMAIL), to use the original ticket subject in the subject (SUBJECT) as well as use the original ticket body (BODY) in the body of the email. You can also combine any additional info of your own.

How do I create a rule in the Ticketing system?

Rules automate how your tickets behave.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Rules.
  2. Click Add rule under one of the triggers.
  3. Select one of the following: Any of or All of from the top drop-down list.
    • Any of makes one of the conditions apply to the rule.
    • All of makes all of the conditions apply to the rule.
  4. If you have conditions, click Add condition and select the required condition. You can add as many conditions as you need.
  5. Click Add action and select the action you want to be automated from the combo box.
  6. In the bottom combo box, select either Continue processing rules or Stop processing rules.
  7. Click Save changes.

Adding Comments to a ticket

You can add an internal comment to a question from a customer or to an agent's answer, by clicking the Comment field. Comments are only seen by agents, are not added to the knowledge base and cannot be viewed by customers.

How to automatically assign a label to a ticket?

You can set a rule to automatically label tickets created in the inbox. You can use it to label tickets from a certain URL or using a key word.

For example: Suppose we set a rule to label (action="Add label") tickets from our pricing page URL as "Sales"

How can I configure a spam filter?

You can set a rule to automatically close tickets created in the inbox. You can use it to close spam tickets in advance or any other unnecessary tickets you can predict by keywords, contact form fields, URL from which the ticket was sent, and so on.

For example:Suppose we set a rule to close tickets (action="Change ticket status - Closed") that contain the word "test" in the body or title, so internal tickets we use will automatically be closed.

How do I apply a default signature based on the type of an incoming ticket?

Add the action "Apply default signature" to the rule, and select the signature of your choosing from the drop down menu to apply a specific signature to a ticket.

When a user opens the ticket to write a response, the specified signature is automatically selected for that user.

How do I forward a ticket?

If you want the ticket answered by a non-agent, you can forward it by email by clicking the 'Forward button' and fill in the email address.

Once this person answers the question, the answer is added to the 'Publish answers' section in the 'Publish' where it can be uploaded to the online knowledge base (or edited and then uploaded).

What is a rule location (Which rule should be triggered first?)

Rules location is there to prioritize the system rule checking in the trigger. Once a trigger starts, such as 'a ticket is created in the inbox', the system checks for rules in the trigger.

When just one rule applies for the ticket, tickets' location is irrelevant.

For example: Suppose you have a rule that determines when a ticket's title or body contains "support", it is assigned to "Support" and when a ticket's title or body contains "new" it is assigned to "New". If no tickets contain both "Support" and "New" there's no problem, each is assigned to its respective assignee.

But sometimes, more than one rule applies.

The rules are processed in order. Once a rule is successful, the system executes the actions defined in the rule and then continues checking for and running other rules that also apply. For example: Suppose you have a rule that determines that all tickets are assigned to "Support" (you decided not to use any condition) and a rule that determines when a ticket's title or body contains "new" it is assigned to "New". A ticket that contains "new" is assigned to both "Support" and "New".

When more than one rule applies, the decision which rules to execute is made by 2 variables: the 'Continue processing rules / Stop processing rules' drop-down in the rule itself and the location of the rule in the trigger.

If it weren't for the 'Stop processing rules' option inside the rule, rules' location would still have no meaning. BUT, the option does exist. At the bottom of each rule, there's a drop-down list with 2 choices: either you choose 'Continue processing rules' or 'Stop processing rules'. Choosing to 'stop' means that once the current rule applies for the ticket, the system will stop checking if lower located rules apply for the ticket as well (but higher located rules will be counted). Choosing the 'Continue' option means the system will continue checking for lower located rules.

For example:

Let's go back to our last example; what happens with a ticket that contains both "support" and "new"? The "Support" rule comes first, and then the "New " rule.

If we choose to "Continue" in the 'Support' rule, then the ticket is assigned to both "Support" and "New" (because we continued the check to the next rule that applies, the "New" rule). If we choose the 'Stop' option, the ticket will only be assigned to "Support" (because we stopped checking after executing the rule). If it would have been the other way around and the "New" rule would have been first, then the ticket would have been assigned only to "New" - That is why rules numbers within a trigger has significant meaning.

The rule location in the trigger should be defined in order of importance.

If the rules before a given rule have no relations to it (so there is no chance that a trigger might trigger it as well), or you don't mind that those rules will also be executed, then the decision is easy: just number it however you like.

However, if you want a rule to be executed alone, with no other rules in the trigger to be also executed, then you must define the rule first and then choose the "stop" option in the bottom drop-down inside the rule.

Remember: You can always change rule location to suit your needs.

What is a Condition (Rule Engine)?

A rule may have zero or more conditions. Conditions are defined by:

This is 'what' is being evaluated. E.g.: Ticket title, post body, label name, etc.
This is the comparison to check, e.g.: equals, contains, etc.
This is the value to compare it with.

What is a trigger (Rule Engine)?

Triggers are repetitive system behaviors, such as the commonly used trigger 'a ticket is created in the inbox', that trigger different actions to assign the ticket that was created to a certain agent, forward it, label it and so on. The triggers available for your use are:

  • When a ticket is created in the inbox
  • When a end user sends a reply
  • When an agent sends a reply
  • When a ticket is closed or opened
  • When a ticket is assigned or labeled

How to define an auto-response email template?

You can create templates for an auto-response email to a ticket. The template is created via the ticketing system's rules, so you can create different templates for different conditions (as per the source email, the ticket title, etc). You can also define different outgoing e-mail settings to different Knowledge Bases.

  1. Go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings > Rules.
  2. Under when new ticket is created, click + Add Rule.
  3. Define the relevant conditions per e-mail template.
  4. Select Send email and then click Edit email.

    Result: The Edit Email dialog is displayed.

  5. Define the template and save it.

How to forward tickets to another KB?

Bold360 AI allows you to forward tickets from one KB to another KB using a 3rd-party integration.

  1. Choose the Knowledge Base in which you want to receive all the tickets.
  2. Go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  3. On theTicketing basic tab, copy the KB email address.
  4. Go to theKB that you want to transfer tickets from.
  5. Go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.
  6. On theTicketing basic tab, under 3rd party integration, paste the KB email address.
It takes couple of minutes for the forwarded item to appear in the destination.

How can I export all my tickets, including correspondence?

To export the tickets, do the following:

  1. Go to Analytics > SLA.
  2. Click on the Download Tickets Report link on the upper-right side of the screen.
  3. Select the month and year to export. You can also select a label and choose to include ticket correspondence (both are optional).
  4. Select the format: CSV, or XML.
  5. Click the Download Report.

How to search for a ticket by its content?

  1. Go to Ticketing > Open Tickets/All Tickets.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Select the Options tab on the left.
  4. Select the Search in correspondence text field.
  5. Click Apply.

How do I retrieve the email address of my ticketing system inbox?

  1. Go to Admin Center > Ticketing Settings.

    Result: On the Ticketing Basics tab, the inbox address displays the email address.

  2. Optional: For sending tickets, you can put the Bold360 AI email address as BCC.

How to prevent infinite loop in the rule engine?

Make sure to use the Stop processing rules option when possible.

How can I tell how a ticket I see in Bold360 AI's ticketing system was opened?

You can use the Bold360 AI ticketing system to process customer escalations. Customer queries can end up in your Bold360 AI ticketing system in a number of ways:

  • Direct email sent to your Bold360 AI inbox address , such as
  • Email sent to your main support address (for example, and then forwarded to your Bold360 AI inbox
  • Ticket generated from one of the contact forms that you can setup in Bold360 AI

To see the origin of the ticket, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Ticketing > All tickets in Bold360 AI.
  2. Click on a ticket to see its details.

    Result: You are taken to the ticket's details.

  3. In the Details section on the right, check the Opened Via field for the necessary information.

How do I set an outgoing e-mail?

When an agent responds to a ticket, the user who sent the ticket gets an answer e-mail. This is the 'Outgoing e-mail'. For each knowledge base an outgoing email settings need to be created and selected.

For more information, see How do I configure the outgoing email settings (SMTP server configuration)?

Do you have tickets' rules?

Ticket rules are a set of conditions that allow you to automate different actions to occur once a ticket's trigger is activated and, this way, to add your business logic to the ticketing system. It is intended for routing tickets or ticket management purposes.

By providing a variety of triggers, conditions and actions, the Rule Engine allows you to tailor the ticketing system logic to your needs so that you can control labels, assign users, sending auto-responses and alert emails, and so on. Rules are meant to save you the time of doing those actions that follow the trigger repeatedly.

Here are some rules that can be easily added:

  • Send auto responses to your incoming emails
  • Assign incoming tickets to specific agents and department based on incoming ticket contents or subject
  • Send alerts when tickets are assigned to users, or change their status
  • Close or Reopen tickets based on activity

Click here to learn more.


A new campaign, let's call it 'new', has started. This campaign has its own agents handling all interactions regarding it. One of the first things you want to do is automatically assign all tickets regarding 'new' to the 'new' team.


Genesys DX/Bold360 End of Life: January 2024

The Genesys DX (Bold360) platform will end of life on January 31st, 2024. This difficult decision was announced in March, 2023.  

Genesys continues to make a strong commitment to Genesys Cloud, while tightening the portfolio to further accelerate feature growth on the platform. Part of that included bringing over key Genesys DX features to Genesys Cloud CX, such as Knowledge Optimizer that focuses on ease-of-use knowledge management. Digital only licenses for Genesys Cloud were also introduced late last year, which are suitable to those who are not looking for voice capabilities or who need agent seats that only feature support for digital channels. 

Details on the end of life timeline

As of January 31st, 2024, access to Genesys DX product interfaces and customer-deployed components stop to function. Users will no longer be able to log into product interfaces, and all of the boldchat/bold360/nanorep domains will become unavailable for use. If you are curious on what the code on your website related to this might look like and how to remove it, we encourage referencing this post on the DX community

After January 31st, 2024, admins will still be able to get access for an additional 30 days. This period is meant to allow for extracting the necessary data from the platform. Historical data extraction from your account will be available to retrieve by data extraction APIs (Bold360 APIs and Nanorep APIs).