AI Support Center Articles

How to set up an SSL-secured support center

Support centers that run on Bold360 AI servers can be deployed as HTTPS.

If your site is secured and you have implemented the support center using iframe, then a secure connection must be set up in Bold360 AI including installing the necessary certificates.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data sent between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

Please ask your IT specialist to contact your support representative or Genesys DX support and provide the following information:

  • Account name, for example: bold360
  • Designated Certificate URL, for example:
  • The certificate (CRT or PEM) in a text file
    Note: Firewalls may filter other types of files.
  • The private key in a text file
  • The certificate expiration date, for example: 21/03/2022 (optional)
  • Any additional comments (optional)
Important: For security reasons, text files should be password protected. You can create a password-protected ZIP for your text files, or use a protected shared folder when sending your certificate and private key files.

Support Center Customization

The support center is fully HTML supported and you can change the templates within its HTML code.

Tip: Check out this video to see support center configuration in action.
This video is currently under construction. Thank you for your patience.
  1. Go to Touchpoints > Support Center and click the Page Templates tab.

    Result: The HTML Master page set-up is displayed, which you can then customize using placeholders (documented here).

  2. Use the special syntax in the tables below to insert the dynamic content (i.e article body) to your pages.
    Table 1. Entity Selector Placeholders







    < nR:Entity type="label" id="B025" >

    Selects the specified label by ID


    Entity Selector


    < nR:Entity type="article" id="B025" >

    Selects the specified article by ID


    Entity Selector

    Table 2. Repeater Placeholders






    labelId = -1 articles with no parent labellabelId = < %Label.ID% > current label ID, maxItems, sort(=faq), days

    < nR:Repeater type="article" sort='faq' labelId='1234' > ... < /nR:Repeater >

    Repeater's enclosed code for each article in the specified enumeration. For information on sorting articles in your Support Center, see How to change the sorting of support center articles



    labelId, maxItems, sort(=faq), days

    < nR:Repeater type="attachment"> ... < /nR:Repeater >

    Repeater's enclosed code for each attachment for current article




    < nR:Repeater type="phrasings"> ... < /nR:Repeater >

    Repeater's enclosed code for each phrasing for current article



    type='root'/'all'/'nestedUnder/list' maxItems='10' (OPTIONAL)

    < nR:Repeater type="label"> ... < /nR:Repeater >

    Repeats for each Label



      < nR:IF condition="Site.IsMultiKB" > < nR:Repeater type="language" > < a href="< %Lang.URL% >" >< %Lang.Code% >< /a > < /nR:Repeater > < /nR:IF > Repeats for each separate language KB Language KB Repeater
    Table 3. Value Placeholders







    < %Site.Name% >

    Configured site name




    < %Site.Domain% >

    Configured site domain




    < %Site.URL% >

    Configured site URL (includes http/s)




    < %Site.Account% >

    Configured site Account




    < %Site.KBID% >

    Current knowledge-base ID




    < %Label.Name% >

    Label name




    < %Label.ID% >

    Label ID




    < %Label.Link% >

    Link to dedicated label page




    < %Label.Count% >

    Amount of elements in label




    < %Label.PositionInPath% >

    0 based index of position in current path, -1 returned if label is not in path




    < %Article.ID% >





    < %Article.Title% >





    < %Article.Body% >





    < %Article.Link% >





    < %Article.AttachmentCount% >





    < %Article.Attachment.URL% >





    < %Article.Attachment.Name% >





    < %Article.MetaDescription% >

    Articles Meta-Description




    < %Article.PhrasingCount% >





    < %Article.Phrasing% >





    < %Repeater.Ordinal% >

    The ordinal for current repeater loop



    Use in condition "Page.Type=Home" to check page type:Home/Label/Article

    < %Page.Type% >

    Determines the current page type



    checks if current Label is the current page label

    < nR:IF condition= "Article.IsPageArticle" >



    Value (condition only)

    check if the current Article is the current page article

    < nR:IF condition= "Label.IsPageLabel" >



    Value (condition only)


    < %Site.NanorepDomain% >

    Places Digital DX AI servers domains




    < %Page.Error% >

    The error that is displayed


How can I embed fonts in a Bold360 AI support center or widget?

To use paid font types in your Bold360 AI support center or widget, store them on your server and allow Bold360 AI to access them.

  1. Create a CSS file with font face declarations and store it on a server.
  2. Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) on the server as described here.
  3. Allow access from the following resources:
    1. < name of account > For example, if your account name is acme, allow access to
    2. For support centers, allow access to the support center sub-domain URL. For example, if your sub-domain is, allow access to this sub-domain.

How to prevent access to a support center's inner URL

Every article has an inner and an outer URL.

So, for example, you have:

URL # 1:

  • An internal iframe URL such as:
  • An outer URL (where the iframe is inserted):

There are two ways to proceed from here:

  1. Change the contact us page address from the internal URL to the outer URL
  2. Ask your Bold360 AI Customer Success Manager to leverage the option that prevents the opening of a support center iframe as a standalone. Instead, if we detect that the page doesn't have a parent, we automatically redirect to the outer URL. In this option you don't have to change the addresses.

Please get back to us on which option you would rather use.

How do I create support center structure with labels?

Use labels to give structure to your support center home page.

Note: You can only use user-created labels for this purpose. There are built-in labels that are used to indicate the availability of an article, like Offline or Hide from Support Center and the status of an article, if content management workflow is enabled, like Draft and Never Published, etc.
  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. On the Settings tab, go to the Content section.
  3. Under Navigation Labels, select categories to display as navigation options in your support center, for example, along the left side of the page.

    You can change how and where these labels are displayed by adjusting the support page templates.

  4. Under Homepage Labels, select categories to display on your home page, for example, in the main body of your site.

    You can change how and where these labels are displayed by adjusting the support page templates.


  5. Save your changes.

How can I add icons to labels in the support center?

You can add three icons to your support center labels: main, hover and active.

By default, if a label has a main icon only, it is used as the hover and active icon as well.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. Select the support center and on the Settings tab, go to the Content section.
  3. Select Manage labels.
  4. On the Content labels dialog, choose the label you want to edit or create a new one.
  5. Choose for Main Icon and upload an image.


  6. Optional: If you'd like to show different icons for active or hover, unselect Use main icon and upload an icon.


Note: For these fields to affect the support center, PSO work is needed (for new customers this will work automatically).

How do I order labels and sub-labels in the support center?

Set the order of labels and sub-labels shown in your support center.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center > Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Content section and select Manage Labels.

    Result: A list of labels is displayed.

  3. Under Manage All, drag and drop to set the order of the labels.
  4. In the Edit section, you can customize how a label is displayed.
  5. You can also set an active and a hover icon for each label.
  6. Save your changes.

How to redirect an iframe URL in support center

If your address for the support center is then all the rest of the address is being populated into the iframe's URL.

This means that would become

To setup redirection, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. Choose the support center that you want to modify.
  3. On the Redirect URLs tab, select Add Value.
  4. In the URL From field, enter the source URL.
    Tip: To redirect an article URL, use the following syntax in the source URL: */articleID/*.
  5. In the URL To field, enter the URL you would like to be displayed.
  6. Choose Save Changes.

The URL in the URL From field will return a 301 (redirect) as HTTP response when the page is visited.

How to set the context in an iframe support center

In order to set the context, add a js function to your hosting page:

function setContextNanorepSupportPage(){
  return "< context Type >=< context Value >"
< /script >
Important: Remove the context from the iframe src if it was set there. For example:
function setContextNanorepSupportPage(){
  return "Device=Mobile"
< /script >

How to set up a support center in the AI Console

Digital DX AI offers a built-in, SEO-enabled, fully HTML-customizable and mobile-optimized support center.

While the out-of-the-box look of the support center template is basic, you have the option to completely tailor the external appearance to reflect your brand. The HTML customization incorporates editable HTML pages, the automatic creation of metadata and SEO-optimized links for articles and related topics.

To set up a support center, proceed as follows:

  1. Create labels and add them to articles.

    Use labels to organize content in the knowledge base and to structure content in the support center. Labels are categories that can be assigned to articles in order to make organization of your support center content easier and more efficient. Labels can be organized into hierarchies which is reflected in the support center and they can also be used to search for specific topics and related answers. This ensures that your agents can easily access answers and thus provide the highest levels of customer service.

    Tip: If an article is relevant for more than one category, you can categorize the article with multiple labels and display it in several categories simultaneously.
  2. Add a support center in the AI Console.
  3. Create a support center structure using labels.
  4. Optional: Change the look and feel of your support center by adjusting the support center page templates.

    You can easily change the fonts, colors or other elements that make up the look and feel of your support center using simple HTML customization. To change the page templates, go to Touchpoints > Support Page > Page Templates.

How to add a new support center in the AI Console

With a single Digital DX account you can offer multiple support centers across different parts of your website that offer answers to different user groups or device types.

To get the score for activities on the support page, allocate a subdomain to the support center from your main website's domain. Specify a CNAME record to point from the support center domain to < < account name > > so that the subdomain can use the Digital DX server.

Tip: You can create multiple support centers per knowledge base.
  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. Select Add Support Center.
  3. When prompted, enter the name of the support center and choose Save.

    Result: You are taken to the Support Center: Settings page.

  4. Under General Settings, enter the main URL of your website in the Main Site URL field.

    This field contains your website main URL when you use the Support Center in an iframe. If this is the subdomain you want to use, your Main Site URL can be the same as the Support center domain.

  5. Under Site Settings, fill the Support center domain field.

    This field contains the subdomain used to access this support center. You will also need to create a CNAME record for this subdomain which you can typically do at your domain DNS provider side.

    Note: CNAME changes don't take effect instantly because of the DNS propagation, you will have to wait for some time before it is updated.
  6. Save your changes.

Technical Preparations to implement a support center

If you have initial content that can be imported, it is a matter of two to three weeks until you can get Bold360 AI up and running.

Setting up a subdomain with a CNAME

The support center runs on Bold360 AI servers. In order for you to get the score for activities in the support page, you will need to allocate a subdomain out of your main website's domain. In order for your subdomain to use the Bold360 AI server, please specify a CNAME record to point from the support domain to < < account name > >

Once the CNAME is set up, please contact your Customer Success Manager and inform them about this new subdomain URL. The next step would be to update this new URL in the support center settings in the Support center domain field.

Secured (SSL) Setup: If your site is secured, and you've chosen the iframe solution, then we need to set up a secured connection in Bold360 AI and exchange certificates. For more information see this article.

Setting up a parent page for an iframe solution

In order to set up the support center as a part of your existing page (in iframe) you need to add the following code there:

<!-- embedded support center code start -->
<div id="nanorep-support-center"></div>
! function(t, e, o, n, c) {
    var s = this.nanorep = this.nanorep || {};
    s = s[e] = s[e] || {}, = c, s.path = n, s.domain = t, s.protocol = "https:" === location.protocol ? "https:" : "http:", s.on = s.on || function() { s._calls = s._calls || [], s._calls.push([] };
    var a = document.createElement("script");
    a.async = a.defer = !0, a.setAttribute("src", s.protocol + "//" + c + n + o), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)
}("your_support_center_domain", "supportCenter", "support-center.js", "/web/", "");
<!-- embedded support center code end -->

(Replace the highlighted sections with your actual account settings)

If you need to set some predefined context values, place them after the support center domain as query parameters, for example:

("your_support_center_domain/?Brand=Apple","supportCenter","support-center.js","/web/", "")

Advanced configuration

Embed code will insert embedded support center with default settings, but there's a way to set override the settings inside the "Master Page" template like this:

<script src="//<%Site.nanoRepDomain%>/web/support-center.js"></script>
            noDirectDomainAccess: false, // use "true" to disable direct access to support center     
            supportCenterDomain: '<%Site.nanoRepDomain%>', // Support center subdomain     
            mainSiteURL: '<%Site.MainSiteUrl%>', // Parent page URL     urlPrefix: '#/path' //prefix path for URL hash   });

How to implement a child support center

If you have several support centers pulling the data from different knowledge bases but have the same support center domain, it is also possible to load them by specifying a unique URL path after the URL Prefix part in the parent page URL. For example, let's say you have 2 knowledge bases:

1) English KB - main support center ( )

2) Dutch KB - child support center ( dutch )

In order to load the main support center you can just access the parent page URL located and it will be loaded automatically as a default option.

In order to load Dutch child Support center you should specify its unique URL part after URL prefix:

where: - parent page URL

#path - default URL prefix

dutch - unique URL part of child support center

How to change the sorting of support center articles

By default, articles in your Support Center are sorted by popularity. You can also sort articles by alphabetical order or last updated time.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchopints > Support Center.
  2. Select Page Templates and choose the support center you want to change.
  3. On the Label Page tab, find the following entry, which drives article sorting:
    <nR:Repeater type='article' sort='faq' labelId='<%Label.ID%>'>
  4. Change the value of the sort attribute as follows:
    • Faq - articles are sorted by popularity (number of hits). This is the default value.
    • TitleAsc - articles are sorted by alphabetical order from A to Z.
    • TitleDesc - articles are sorted by reverse alphabetical order from Z to A.
    • LastUpdated - articles are sorted by last updated time, where the most recently modified one is listed first.
  5. Save your support center template.

What are my options for implementing a support center?

You can implement a support center as a standalone or you can use iframe.

What are the benefits of an iframe implementation?

By using an iframe, you can deliver your support center as an integral part of your website while leaving your site's functionality in place:

  • You get full control of the page wrap including the site's header and footer, cart support, logged in users and any other cross-website functionality.
  • Digital DX AI offers a smart iframe that will
    • Automatically change its size depending on the amount of content inside the iframe
    • Change the hosting parent page URL to reflect the changes in the iframe. For example, if the user navigates to a specific article, the article URL will be reflected in the parent URL. This behavior can be disabled if not desired.
  • The iframe solution fully supports search engine optimization (SEO) including redirect to the parent hosting page if the iframe is opened directly from Google.

What is the standalone solution like?

You can deliver your support center as a standalone, external page with a subdomain address. A standalone support center can't present your site's header and footer and doesn't include other site-specific functionality from your main page either, like user-secured login, cart management or site search.

The benefits of using a standalone support page:

  • Changes in your site are minimal, you just have to add a link to your new page.
  • The page is easy to implement.
  • There is no risk of conflicting code between your site's JavaScript and the Digital DX AI's JavaScript.

How to set up a protected support center

To increase the level of security, Bold360 AI provides cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies on its APIs.

CORS enables you to restrict your widgets and support centers to a single URL domain or a list of domains. If a malicious intruder copies your HTML code snippet and adds it to any other site, the widget or support center on that site will not work.

To set up a secure support center, do the following:

  1. On the Touchpoints > Support Center > Settings page, copy your support center URL from the Main Site URL field.
  2. Go to the Admin Center > Preferences page.
  3. In the Allowed Origins field, paste the support center URL you just copied from the Main Site URL field.
  4. Add the URL of your main customer website to the list.
  5. Save your changes.

How can SEO be improved for support centers?

Bold360 AI offers multiple designs for SEO-friendly support pages which include both free search capability and dynamic navigational FAQ hierarchy.

Google can crawl iframes on a website and is indexing the URLs of the iframe itself, not the parent URL. The same applies to the links inside the iframe. The iframe URL and the URL of the links within the iframe point to a subdomain. You can read more about the effect of using a sub-domain on your Google ranking here.

The challenge when setting up a support center is to avoid Google opening the iframe page instead of the support center page.

Bold360 AI solution

In the Bold360 AI solution for a support center, the iframe URL address is a CNAME provided by the customer, for example, This iframe is hosted in a page that is defined by the customer as part of the site and will probably have a URL such as

In the iframe, navigation links and articles are presented. These include a link to the support page, home page, label pages and article pages. All these links have the following structure: <CNAME URL>/Label1/Label2/Article-ID/Article-Title. For example,

Search engine flow

The search engines crawl the hosting page and into the iframe. In the iframe, it crawls deeper and collects the information for all the articles and label pages. All of this content is part of the sub-domain assets. The score and links are, therefore, related to the subdomain.

When you want to find an article using Google, you search for the text that is in one of the articles. Google finds the article page and redirects to a page, which has the subdomain URL.

When the user selects an article, the subdomain URL opens. Bold360 AI redirects all these links to the parent page while maintaining the direct path to the relevant article. Eventually, the parent hosting page has a URL like while the iframe inside maintains the URL received by Google

How does the subdomain structure affect your SEO ranking compared to a subfolder structure?

In late October, 2012, Matt Cutts of Google's Webspam team clarified the subdomain/subdirectory situation as far as Google was concerned. He said "The historical reasons why you might have wanted to go for a subdomain don't really apply as much, and that leaves you with, okay both are on the same domain, overall, and so it's really a question of which one is easier for you." Therefore, your entire site benefits from the effects of search engine optimization.

How can I track subdomain analytics and include it with my main site analytics?

See the multidomain tracking guide for Google Analytics here.

How do I promote my internal support center?

A few tips on how to promote your internal support center and bot.

In case you recently set up an internal support center or a bot for your agents, here are a few tips on how you could promote their use among your agents:

  • Naming competition: ask agents to name the support center or bot and announce the winner.
  • Most questions competition: highlight agents or teams who ask the most questions.
  • Easter eggs: hide articles about off-topic questions in the knowledge base and ask agents to find them, announce the winner.
  • Ask agents for feedback: make sure your team has the option to provide feedback about the support center or the bot. Also ensure that their imporvements are made based on their feedback.

What is the Support Center referrer?

The SC Referrer is a field in reporting. This field enables you to view which page in SC the user opened before reaching an article (Whether it was from FAQ in homepage, Label page or link from another article).

In the report the Values will be displayed as a URL (of the SC page). If the referrer is not in the support center (for example, an external link), the value will be displayed as empty.

To create this report, go to Analytics > Reports. Create a report according to your needs. Below is an example of how to create a report:

The results will be displayed as follows:

How to copy support center settings between knowledge bases

When you already have a support center, you can copy the settings of the support center from one knowledge base to another so that you don't have to start from scratch.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. At the top of the page, choose Copy Support Center.

    Result: The wizard is displayed.

  3. In the Select Target Support Center step, select the knowledge base where you want to replicate the existing support center in the Target KB field.
  4. In the Target Support Center, choose the support center in the target knowledge base into which you want to copy the settings.
  5. Select Next.
  6. In the Select Templates to be copied step, choose the support center templates that you want to copy to the new knowledge base.

    These are the templates that you can find on the Page Templates tab of the Touchpoints > Support Center page.

  7. Select Next.
  8. In the Select Support Center Settings to be copied step, choose the settings you want to copy to the new support center.
  9. Select Next.
  10. In the Summary and Confirmation step, choose Apply and when prompted, confirm that you want to overwrite the existing support center configuration in the target knowledge base.
    Important: Once you overwrite a support center configuration, you can't revert it to an earlier version.

You can set up the support center as an integral part of your existing website using iframe.

  1. To set up the support center as a part of your existing page in iframe, add the following code to the website:
    Note: Remember to change the highlighted parts to your actual account settings.
    <!-- embedded support center code start -->
    <div id="nanorep-support-center"></div>
    ! function(t, e, o, n, c) {
        var s = this.nanorep = this.nanorep || {};
        s = s[e] = s[e] || {}, = c, s.path = n, s.domain = t, s.protocol = "https:" === location.protocol ? "https:" : "http:", s.on = s.on || function() { s._calls = s._calls || [], s._calls.push([] };
        var a = document.createElement("script");
        a.async = a.defer = !0, a.setAttribute("src", s.protocol + "//" + c + n + o), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)
    }("your_support_center_domain", "supportCenter", "support-center.js", "/web/", "");
    <!-- embedded support center code end -->
  2. Optional: To set predefined context values, place them after the support center domain as query parameters.

    Example: For example, the following code sets the Brand context category to be Apple:

    ("your_support_center_domain/?Brand=Apple","supportCenter","support-center.js","/web/", "") 
  3. Optional: The embed code in step 1 inserts the embedded support center with default settings. Override the settings in the Master Page template using the following code:
    <script src="//<%Site.nanoRepDomain%>/web/support-center.js"></script>
                noDirectDomainAccess: false, // use "true" to disable direct access to support center     
                supportCenterDomain: '<%Site.nanoRepDomain%>', // Support center subdomain     
                mainSiteURL: '<%Site.MainSiteUrl%>', // Parent page URL     urlPrefix: '#/path' //prefix path for URL hash   });

How do I make pages noindex?

In the AI Console you can set noindex for the entire support center or for individual articles.

How do I set noindex for the entire support center?

  1. Go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. Select the support center and go to the Page Templates tab.
  3. In the master page template, add the line in bold inside the head tag:
  4. Save your changes.

How do I set noindex for an article?

  1. Go to Knowledge > Articles > .
  2. Find the article you want to make noindex and open it for editing.
  3. On the Visibility tab, select the Do not index this article option.

    Result: The article is added to the robots.txt file.

  4. Publish the article.

How to prevent an iframe support center from opening without the hosting page parent

The iframe URL is different from the page in which the iframe is displayed. In some cases, you may not want to use the iframe domain directly. The default behavior of the system allows users to use a direct link to the iframe URL, unless coming from Google.

Make sure that you run iframe files version 2 or above. If not, contact your Customer Success Manager or Bold360 AI support to help you upgrade to the latest version.
To prevent using the direct iframe URL in all cases, do the following:
  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center > Settings and make sure Main Site URL is the URL of the page that uses the iframe and is used as the support center page.

    This address is used when redirect is necessary.

  2. Go to Page Templates > Master Page.
  3. Find the iframeHelper function and add dontAllowJustiframe:true.


    window.iframeHlpr=new iframeHelper({parentURL:"< %Site.MainSiteUrl% >",iframeBasicURL:"< % Site.Domain % >"});


    window.iframeHlpr=new iframeHelper({parentURL:"< %Site.MainSiteUrl% >",iframeBasicURL:"< % Site.Domain % >", dontAllowJustiframe:true});

What is Site Map XML?

XML sitemaps are important for SEO because they make it easier for Google to find your site's pages, and in so increase their pages rank.

To deploy the sitemap and index articles, do the following:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. Under Site Settings, select Allow sitemap.xml access.

By default, all support center topics and articles under these topics will be indexed. The sitemap XML will add all (and only) the navigation and homepage labels pages, and will drill down and show all the children labels up to 3 levels.

To index additional scope, please consult with your Customer Success representative.

You have two options to avoid indexing in specific articles:

  • Under Site Settings select Allow robots.txt access in the support center configuration.
  • Edit the article for which you want to disable indexing. To do so, go to the Visibility tab of the article and select Do not index this article. The article will not be displayed in sitemap.xml, only in robots.txt.

Can I add canonical URL for my article?

The same content can exist in different support center URLs that use the same knowledge base. Search engines generally lower the page score if the content of two pages is the same. To avoid this, you can add the main URL to the canonical URL field so it is added to the canonical tag and thus tells search engines which version of a URL you want to appear in search results. You can read more about these tags here.

So for example, there is an article with the ID 22334455 and the main support center address is The article's main or canonical address is The secondary support center address is and the article's address there is and the content is the same. To prevent that search engines lower the page score for duplicated content, the support center should have a canonical tag defined with the URL

  1. In the AI Console, go to Knowledge > Articles.
  2. Select the secondary article that you want to edit.
  3. On the Options tab in the Canonical URL field, define the address of the main support center's page.
  4. Publish the article.
Once it is done for all articles, you will also need to contact your Customer Success manager so we could add the required canonical link element to all your articles.

How to improve SEO using label metadata

Use metadata fields at the label level to promote the label page in search engine results and enable customers to access a subject through a label and not just a specific article.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Touchpoints > Support Center.
  2. Select the support center and on the Settings tab, go to the Content section.
  3. Select Manage labels.
  4. On the Content labels dialog, choose the label you want to edit.
  5. Provide a Meta Title and Meta Description for the label.

  6. Choose Save.

Can I update the meta data of support center pages?

Update the meta title and meta description of support center pages by adjusting the page templates.

The support center is comprised of threr types of template pages: homepage, label page and article page. You can change the meta title and meta description for each type of page. To update the page templates, go to Touchpoints > Support Center, select the support center and go to the Page Templates tab.


The title of the homepage is derived from the value of the Site Name field in the support center settings.

You can change this in the Homepage support center template by updating the following line:

< title >< %Site.Name% >< /title >

To update the description, update the following line by changing Support Center to what you want to display:

<meta description="Support Center"/>

Label page

The title of a label page is derived from the label name.

You can change this in the Label Page support center template by updating the following line:

< title >< %Label.Name% >< /title >

To update the description, update the following line by changing Support Center to what you want to display:

<meta description="Support Center"/>

Article page

Each article can have a meta title and a meta description. By default, the title of the article and the first few sentences of the article are used.

You can change this in the Article Page support center template by updating the following line:

< title >< %Article.MetaTitle% >< /title >

To update the description, update the following line by changing Support Center to what you want to display:

<meta description="<%Article.MetaDescription%>"/>

To save your changes on all template pages, press CTRL-Shift-S.

Zoom image in articles

There are 3 options of implementations for zooming an image in an article:

  • Zoom all images
  • Zoom only selected images
  • Zoom all the images except selected ones
Important: Images will not be zoomed if they are used as links. Instead, the link opens when clicking the image.

Zooming all images in an iframe solution

  1. Add the following script in the embedded widget of the support center.
    (function() {
      var sc = document.createElement("script"); 
      sc.src = '//'; 
      document.head.appendChild(sc); })();

  2. In the support center, find the following code in the master page in the support center templates: window.iframeHlpr=
  3. Unmark obj={showImageInModal:true};.
  4. Make sure that your article content is wrapped with a div that has the articlePage id.

    Example: <div id="articlePage">

Zooming only specific images in an iframe solution

  1. To define which images you would like to be zoomed, edit the image's properties.
    1. Right-click the image to edit its properties.
    2. Select the Advanced tab.
    3. In the Stylesheet Classes field, enter maginify.

  2. Add the following script in the embedded widget of the support center.
    <script>(function() { 
      var sc = document.createElement("script"); 
      sc.src = '//'; 
      document.head.appendChild(sc); })();

  3. In the support center, find the following code in the master page in the support center templates: window.iframeHlpr=
  4. Unmark obj={showselectiveImageInModal:true};.
  5. Make sure that your article content is wrapped with a div that has the articlePage id.

    Example: <div id="articlePage">

Zooming all but specific images in an iframe solution

  1. To define which images you would not like to be zoomed, edit the image's properties.
    1. Right-click the image to edit its properties.
    2. Select the Advanced tab.
    3. In the Stylesheet Classes field, enter no_magnify.

  2. Add the following script in the embedded widget of the support center.
    (function() { 
      var sc = document.createElement("script"); 
      sc.src = '//'; 
      document.head.appendChild(sc); })();

  3. In the support center, find the following code in the master page in the support center templates: window.iframeHlpr=
  4. Unmark obj={dontshowselectiveImageInModal:true};
  5. Make sure that your article content is wrapped with a div that has the articlePage id.

    Example: <div id="articlePage">

Zooming images in a non-iframe solution

The implementation in the support center widget is the same a for the iframe solution.
  1. If you have an older iframe solution, you should add this code to the head section:
      window.iframeHlpr = new iframeHelper(
          showImageInModal: true, 
            parentURL: "< %Site.MainSiteUrl% >",
            iframeBasicURL: '< % Site.Domain % >',
            showImageInModal: true
  2. Change the bold text with one of three options below:
    • showImageInModal: true
    • showselectiveImageInModal: true
    • dontshowselectiveImageInModal: true
  3. Add this code at the end of the master template just before the closing body tag:

Troubleshooting the iframe implementation of a support page

After implementing the iframe code, there are a few indicators that you can check to see if all is working as expected.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var e = document.createElement("script");
  e.src = '//';

<iframe src="//your CNAME for support center with http://www or https://" 
  • The iframe size should be changed according to the content of the iframe. When you navigate to the end of a long question, the iframe will expand and no scroll bar should appear. If you do see a scroll bar in the iframe that means your code is not implemented correctly and you should review the implementation process.
  • When navigating inside the iframe, the parent URL is changed according to your navigation. If navigating into internal pages in the iframe doesn't change the parent URL - that means your code is not implemented correctly.

Iframe ID was removed from the code.

Solution: Set back the iframe ID to the following: id="supportFrame"

I see a gray screen instead of the support center

Solution: CNAME definition is not correct. If you have HTTPS enabled make sure you don't have mixed content such as http and https together in the webpage and make sure both the iframe and the parent homepage are SSL secured.

Parent page is encoding the URL

Solution: Please add the following function to your parent page:

return encodeURIComponent(path);

Implementation notes:

First, you must insert the code snippet into the relevant DOM element, which includes the iframe. The iframe should have the URL of the CNAME defined by you. In some cases, the CNAME definition is not setup correctly, which results in displaying a gray screen instead of showing the iframe.

Second, you must add code that loads the JavaScript file. This specific code snippet injects the JS iframe library in the head area of the script. Make sure that the file is loaded once you embed it into the webpage, by troubleshooting with the developers tools in the browser. You can also check the Network tab in the developer tool to make sure that the file is loaded (Press Ctrl + F to look for the the JS file name to make sure it is loaded). If you don't see this file, it suggests that the function was not called.


Genesys DX/Bold360 End of Life: January 2024

The Genesys DX (Bold360) platform will end of life on January 31st, 2024. This difficult decision was announced in March, 2023.  

Genesys continues to make a strong commitment to Genesys Cloud, while tightening the portfolio to further accelerate feature growth on the platform. Part of that included bringing over key Genesys DX features to Genesys Cloud CX, such as Knowledge Optimizer that focuses on ease-of-use knowledge management. Digital only licenses for Genesys Cloud were also introduced late last year, which are suitable to those who are not looking for voice capabilities or who need agent seats that only feature support for digital channels. 

Details on the end of life timeline

As of January 31st, 2024, access to Genesys DX product interfaces and customer-deployed components stop to function. Users will no longer be able to log into product interfaces, and all of the boldchat/bold360/nanorep domains will become unavailable for use. If you are curious on what the code on your website related to this might look like and how to remove it, we encourage referencing this post on the DX community

After January 31st, 2024, admins will still be able to get access for an additional 30 days. This period is meant to allow for extracting the necessary data from the platform. Historical data extraction from your account will be available to retrieve by data extraction APIs (Bold360 APIs and Nanorep APIs).