What is Search Optimizer?

Search Optimizer is your ultimate content optimization tool.

Search Optimizer provides a list of optimization tasks you can complete to improve end user experience. It provides you with information that you can review and decide whether changes need to be performed on articles in the knowledge base.

Search Optimizer displays tasks related to voices and voices clusters: you can think of it as an inbox of optimization tasks. Each task that is managed and completed, is removed from Search Optimizer to make sure that your inbox is always up to date.

How does Search Optimizer organize voices?

Search Optimizer groups voices into four categories:


Lists voices that the bot could not answer. By looking at the unanswered voices, you can decide whether you need new content to answer a question or you just need to add a new phrasing to an existing article, so that the bot can offer that article as a response.


Displays voices that the bot answered. By looking at the voices in this category, you can make sure that the bot provides relevant answers to customer questions. In this category the top-level voice is the title of the article that was presented to the customers and sub-groups display the customer questions.


Lists article titles and the reactions customers had after reading the article, including:

  • Positive and negative feedback including textual feedback
  • Number of times the article was channeled, that is, escalated
  • Overall reaction to the article

The reaction on a specific article is

  • Neutral if the difference between the number of positive and negative feedback is less than five.
  • Positive if the article has received positive feedback at least six more times. For example, the article received positive feedback 20 times and negative feedback 14 times or less.
  • Negative if the article has received negative feedback at least six more times. For example, the article received negative feedback 20 times and positive feedback 14 times or less.

You can use this category to identify whether content is relevant, or it needs update.


Displays voices that you want to hide from content administrators. It?s possible that a muted voice was answered by the bot, but you still decide to hide it. As best practice, you would only mute voices that are irrelevant to your business.