Where do I find a complete list of Digital DX reports

Use Digital DX's reporting tools to analyze and interpret the underlying data associated with site engagements and facilitate the transformation of data into actionable information.

Digital DX's reports are available at the reports site. Every time you run a report, the new report is displayed in the same window. Using Digital DX reports does not require any special license.

Chat Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Chat Summary here

The report includes a breakdown of all button clicks (reactive and proactive) and their associated disposition: clicks made when your agents were unavailable, clicks by blocked customers, the number of chats that ended before the agent could answer it (abandoned), chats that went unanswered, and answered chats. The report also includes useful operational data like average message count and average length of chats. You can group and filter the report several ways in order to see the data from different perspectives.

Chat Conversion Summary here

The report includes a breakdown of all conversion by the various groupings available for chats on the same visit, auto-invite chats and/or conversions done without interaction from an operator. For a given date, operator, or other grouping the report breaks down the conversions for your analysis.

ACD Summary here

You’ll see the total chats assigned automatically to agents (offered), the number of chats that ended before the agent could answer it (abandoned), and the number of chats taken away from an agent and given to another because the chatter’s wait time exceeded your threshold (reassigned.) The report also includes useful operational data like average message count, the average length of chats, and the maximum number of customers waiting in queue. The report can be grouped and filtered in several ways in order to see the data from different perspectives.

Missed Opportunities Summary here

The Missed Opportunities Summary report shows, for example, the number of customers who were not invited to chat because of unavailability and the number of chat button clicks occurring outside of established chat hours. The report can be grouped and filtered in several ways in order to see the data from different perspectives.

Canned Message Summary here

The Canned Message Summary provides - either across your entire account or on an operator by operator level - the most frequently used canned messages. Canned Message grooming is a live chat best practice and this report - especially when filtered by department or key date ranges - is an excellent starting place.

Salesforce Summary here

The Salesforce Summary shows how many Salesforce Contacts and/or Leads were pushed (manually or automatically) into Salesforce from a total number of answered chats. The report can be grouped and filtered in several ways in order to see the data from different perspectives.

Chat Assignment Report here

The Chat Assignment Report shows data for chats that were assigned by the ACD, re-assigned by the ACD, and/or transferred by another operator.

ActiveAssist Chat Summary here

The ActiveAssist Summary will show the number of chats that also included a co-browsing and/or remote control session. For a given date, operator, or other grouping, you’ll see the number of chats with sessions, the number of successfully connected sessions, and key data about the sessions and chats themselves.

Button Availability Report here

For example: When were your chat buttons available? Did they reach queue limits? When? For how long? Were there times when no operators were available? For a given period, you can view data for specific/all chat buttons in your account, or for specific/all types of status change.

Chat Keyword Summary here

For a given date range, this report contains the list of top search engine keywords used by customers to arrive on your website.

Service-Level Answered here The Chat Answered Service Level Analysis report shows, for a total number of answered chats, the number and percent that were answered within certain amounts of time. From less than 30 seconds to greater than 5 minutes, the report provides a breakdown across 11 linear time increments as well as overall averages. The report can be filtered in numerous ways and grouped by date, day of the week, hour, or operator.
Service-Level Unanswered here The Chat Unanswered Service Level Analysis report shows, for a total number of unanswered chats, the number and percent that were unanswered for certain amounts of time. From less than 30 seconds to greater than 5 minutes, the report provides a breakdown across 11 linear time increments as well as overall averages. The report can be filtered in numerous ways and grouped by date, day of the week, hour, or operator.
Service-Level Chat Duration here The Chat Duration Service Level Analysis report shows, for a total number of answered chats, the number and percent that lasted for certain amounts of time. From less than 30 seconds to greater than 5 minutes, the report provides a breakdown across 11 linear time increments as well as overall averages. The report can be filtered in numerous ways and grouped by date, day of the week, hour, or operator.
Service-Level Average Time in Queue here Average Time in Queue answers the following question: How many chats were in the unassigned queue for various amounts of time before being assigned? Each row represents a date, period, or operator. Each column is an amount of time. For a given date, period, or operator, each cell is the number of chats that waited the given amount of time before assignment.
Operator Survey Report here

The Operator Survey report provides an operator by operator view of performance on the after-chat survey. For a total number of answered chats, the report shows the average speed of answer, average length of those chats, and the number/percent of completed after chat surveys. For completed surveys, the average scores for Responsiveness, Professionalism, Knowledge, and Overall Rating are presented. The report can be filtered allowing different views of data.

Operator Survey NPS Report here

The NPS Operator Survey report provides an operator by operator view of performance on the after-chat survey. For completed surveys, the NPS scores are presented. The Net Promoter Score, or NPS®, is based on the fundamental perspective that every company’s customers can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. The report can be filtered allowing different views of data.

Operator Activity Report here

The Operator Activity report provides, for a number of answered chats, the number and percent that were missed. A missed chat occurs either because the operator didn't answer the chat before exceeding a wait-time threshold or because the customer abandoned the chat. The report also shows the assignment's average speed of answer, average length of answered chats, the average message count, and the average amount of time it took the operator to respond after the customer submitted a message (average response time). The report can be grouped and filtered in several ways in order to see the data from different perspectives.

Operator Productivity Report here

The Operator Productivity report provides an operator by operator overview of their time spent chatting. For a given date range, the report shows how many hours and minutes the agent was available for chats, how much time they spent engaged in chats, how much time they spent idle, and a utilization calculation. The report also provides the amount of time spent handling concurrent chats, the agent's average response time, the number of chats they took per hour, and the maximum and average number of simultaneous chats.

Operator Custom Survey Report here

The Operator Custom Survey report provides an operator by operator view of performance on the default post-chat and custom pre/post-chat survey fields of the after-chat survey. For completed surveys, the raw scores for each custom field are presented and open ended comments are also included. The report can be filtered allowing different views of data.

Operator Custom Wrap-Up Report here

This report returns the data submitted by operators on the Custom Wrap-Up form. Data is shown per operator and can be filtered.

Auto Answers Chat Summary here

This report provides details about how many customers interacted with auto answers, read content, rated content and went to chat. Use the "Auto Answers Attempt" filter to break down this data for a particular attempt.

Auto Answers Canned Message Summary here

This report provides details about canned messages used by the Auto Answers feature. See which canned messages were presented to the customer, which ones were rated, and how well they were rated.

Auto Answers Customer Question Detail here

Review what types of questions website customers are entering into the Auto Answers feature. Analyze this information to update canned message content appropriately in order to maximize the effectiveness of Auto Answers.

Email Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Assignment Summary here

Analyze data such as email assignments accepted during the time period (per operator), average time to accept email assignments, average speed to answer email assignments, and more.

Assignment Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new email threads created in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered emails for open as well as closed email threads.

Thread Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new email threads created in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered emails for open as well as closed email threads.

Assignment Activity Summary here

This report returns activity for individual emails exchanged within a thread based on the operator assigned to the individual emails. Date reported includes average time to close, average speed to answer, average time to respond, number closed but answered, number closed but unanswered, and more.

Thread Activity Summary here

This report returns activity for individual emails exchanged within a thread based on the operator assigned to the thread. Date reported includes average time to close, average speed to answer, number closed but answered, number closed but unanswered, and more.

Email Thread Answer Performance Summary here This report returns the time it takes for email threads to be answered, based on the selected grouping. The report selects the email threads that were answered inside the date range you select. Time-to-answer is the interval between the first email's arrival to the Bold server and the initial response to that email by an operator.
Email Thread Close Time Performance Summary here This report returns the time it takes for email threads to be closed, based on the selected grouping. The report selects all the answered email threads that were closed inside the date range you select. Time-to-close is the interval between the time the thread was first answered to when it was closed.
Email Assignment Answer Performance Summary here

This report returns the time it takes for email assignments to be answered, based on the selected grouping. The report selects all the email assignments that were answered inside the date range you select. Time-to-answer is the interval between assignment to an operator and the operator's response.

Email Assignment Close Time Performance Summary here

This report returns the time it takes for email assignments to be closed, based on the selected grouping. The report selects all the answered email assignments that were closed inside the date range you select. Time-to-close is the interval between the time the email was first assigned to when it was reassigned or closed.

Email Time To Respond Performance Summary here This report returns the time it takes for an email to be responded to, based on the selected grouping.
Email Productivity - Accepted here

See the number of accepted email threads by the given grouping for a specified date range. An email is considered accepted when an operator accepts or responds to an assigned email thread.

Email Productivity - Answered here

See the number of answered email threads by the given grouping for a specified date range. An email is considered answered when an operator is the first to respond to an email thread.

Email Productivity - Assigned here

See the number of assigned email threads by the given grouping for a specified date range. An email thread is considered assigned on each new assignment or re-assignment.

Email Productivity - Closed (Answered) here

See the number of email threads closed with an answer by the given grouping for a specified date range. An email thread is considered closed (answered) when an operator closes an email thread with at least one response email.

Email Productivity - Closed (Unanswered) here

See the number of email threads closed without an answer by the given grouping for a specified date range. An email thread is considered closed (unanswered) when an operator closes an email thread with no response email.

Email Productivity - Received here

See the number of individual emails received by the given grouping for a specified date range.

Email Productivity - Sent here

See the number of individual emails sent by the given grouping for a specified date range. Sent emails are independent of email threads.

Email Productivity Summary here

See the average of several key email metrics for a specified date range.

Email Productivity - Time To Respond here

See the response time to received emails for a specified date range. Only received emails with a corresponding reply email will be counted in this calculation.

Login Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Multi-Service Productivity here

The Multi-Service Productivity report provides an operator by operator overview of their time while assigned different service items. For a given date range, the report shows how many hours and minutes the agent was available, how much time they were assigned work items, how much time they spent idle, and a utilization calculation. The report also provides the amount of time spent handling concurrent assignments, the number of assignments they took per hour, and the maximum and average number of assignments. All this is broken out as well for each department assigned items for an operator. This is then rolled up into aggregate utilizations for each department an operator is a member of, as well as across all departments on the account.

Peak Concurrent Login Summary here

In a given time range, grouped by day, the Peak Concurrent Login report returns the number of logged in operators and time of day when the highest number of operators were logged in at once.

Chat Login Summary here

The Chat Login Summary can be grouped only by operator and shows how much time (in hours and minutes) for a given date range, the operator was logged in as available and away. A breakdown by client application type is also included.

Chat Login Details here

The Chat Login Detail can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that be logging in as available or away, or logging out.

Email Login Summary here

The Email Login Summary can be grouped only by operator and shows how much time (in hours and minutes) for a given date range, the operator was logged in as available and away. A breakdown by client application type is also included.

Email Login Details here

The Email Login Detail can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that be logging in as available or away, or logging out.

Ticket Login Summary here

The Ticket Login Summary can be grouped only by operator and shows how much time (in hours and minutes) for a given date range, the operator was logged in as available and away. A breakdown by client application type is also included.

Ticket Login Details here

The Ticket Login Detail can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that be logging in as available or away, or logging out.

Twitter Login Summary here

The Twitter Login Summary can be grouped only by operator and shows how much time (in hours and minutes) for a given date range, the operator was logged in as available and away. A breakdown by client application type is also included.

Twitter Login Details here

The Twitter Login Detail can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that be logging in as available or away, or logging out.

SMS Login Summary here

The SMS Login Summary can be grouped only by operator and shows how much time (in hours and minutes) for a given date range, the operator was logged in as available and away. A breakdown by client application type is also included.

SMS Login Details here

The SMS Login Detail can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that be logging in as available or away, or logging out.

FB Messenger Login Summary here

The Facebook Login Summary can be grouped only by operator and shows how much time (in hours and minutes) for a given date range, the operator was logged in as available and away. A breakdown by client application type is also included.

FB Messenger Login Details here

The Facebook Login Detail can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that be logging in as available or away, or logging out.

Messaging Apps Login Summary here

The Messaging Apps Login Summary can be grouped only by operator and shows how much time (in hours and minutes) for a given date range, the operator was logged in as available and away. A breakdown by client application type is also included.

Messaging Apps Login Details here

The Messaging Apps Login Detail can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that be logging in as available or away, or logging out.

SMS Reports:

Report Documentation Description
SMS Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new SMS conversations created in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered texts for open as well as ended conversations.

SMS Assignment Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new SMS assignments assigned in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered texts for open as well as ended assignments.

SMS Activity Summary here This report contains details such as the number of texts sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered, ended answered and ended unanswered texts along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered.
SMS Assignment Activity Summary here

This report contains details such as the number of texts sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered, ended answered and ended unanswered texts along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered.

SMS Answer Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to answer SMS conversations and the performance within user defined time intervals.

SMS Assignment Answer Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to answer SMS assignments and the performance within user defined time intervals.

SMS End Time Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to close SMS conversations and the performance within user defined time intervals.

SMS Assignment End Time Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to close SMS assignments and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Facebook Messenger Reports:

Report Documentation Description
FB Messenger Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new FB Messenger conversations created in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered texts for open as well as ended conversations.

FB Messenger Assignment Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new FB Messenger assignments assigned in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered texts for open as well as ended assignments.

FB Messenger Activity Summary here

This report contains details such as the number of texts sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered, ended answered and ended unanswered texts along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered.

FB Messenger Assignment Activity Summary here

This report contains details such as the number of texts sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered, ended answered and ended unanswered texts along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered.

FB Messenger Answer Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to answer FB Messenger conversations and the performance within user defined time intervals.

FB Messenger Assignment Answer Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to answer FB Messenger assignments and the performance within user defined time intervals.

FB Messenger End Time Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to close FB Messenger conversations and the performance within user defined time intervals.

FB Messenger Assignment End Time Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to end FB Messenger assignments and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Messaging Apps Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Messaging Apps Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new Messaging Apps conversations created in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered texts for open as well as ended conversations.

Messaging Apps Assignment Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new Messaging Apps assignments assigned in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered texts for open as well as ended assignments.

Messaging Apps Activity Summary here

This report contains details such as the number of texts sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered, ended answered and ended unanswered texts along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered.

Messaging Apps Assignment Activity Summary here

This report contains details such as the number of texts sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered, ended answered and ended unanswered texts along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered.

Messaging Apps Answer Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to answer Messaging Apps conversations and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Messaging Apps Assignment Answer Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to answer Messaging Apps assignments and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Messaging Apps End Time Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to close SMS conversations and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Messaging Apps Assignment End Time Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to close Messaging Apps assignments and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Visit Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Visit Summary here

The report shows the total number of customers, the number of new and repeat customers, the average time customers spent on site, the total and average number of customer page views, and the average time per page. The report also includes information about the performance of proactive invites including the total number of invitations sent, number declined and ignore, and the average acceptance rate including a 95% confidence interval. The report can be grouped and filtered in numerous ways to provide different perspectives on the data. A very useful grouping is by "custom invite" which will allow an analysis (again within a 95% confidence interval) on the best performing proactive invitations.

Invite Summary here

The Invite Summary report, grouped only by proactive invitation rule, shows the number of times the invitation was offered, accepted, declined and ignored. Percentages are included as well.

Visit Chat Interactions here

The Visit Chat Interactions report shows the visit data associated with visits which also had a chat interaction. The report provides the total number of chats (grouped in one of a variety of ways) and then the number of those chats associated with either a new or return visit. Also included are the average time the chat customers spent on site, the average and total number of page views they had, the number of the chats occurring from invitations, and the average chat message count and duration.

Visit Keyword Summary here

For a given date range, this report contains the list of top search engine keywords used by customers to arrive on your website.

Experiment Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Experiment Summary here

For chat buttons, see the number of customers to whom each button was presented and the number who accepted (clicked to chat). For invitations, see the number of customers invited and the number who accepted (clicked to chat). You can also compare conversion data for the items in your experiment in comparison to the control.

Experiment Detail here

For chat buttons, see the number of customers to whom each button was presented and the number who accepted (clicked to chat). For invitations, see the number of customers invited per test invitation and the number who accepted, declined, or ignored. You can also compare advanced conversion data for the items in your experiment.

Twitter Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Twitter Status Summary here

This report provides the status of new twitter threads created in the date range specified. It includes details about the number of unanswered and answered tweets for open as well as ended threads.

Twitter Activity Summary here

This report contains details such as the number of tweets sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered tweet threads, ended answered and ended unanswered tweet threads along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered tweet threads.

Twitter Answer Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to answer tweets and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Twitter End Time Performance Summary here

For a specified date range, analyze the distribution of the time to close tweet threads and the performance within user defined time intervals.

Ticket Report:

Report Documentation Description
Ticket Summary  

Includes details about the number of new and closed tickets along with the average time for which tickets were open (from created to closed).

Contact Report:

Report Documentation Description
Contact Summary here

The data can be grouped in a number of different ways including date, day of the week, hour, operator, country etc.

Basic Reports:

Report Documentation Description
Basic Summary here

For a given date range this report contains graphs for total chats, a summary containing the number of new customers vs return customers, number of invited vs customer initiated chats, most clicked chat button location, customer chat acceptance rate, location where invitations had the highest acceptance rate, chat engagement rate and a number of other useful metrics. Based on the data included in the report, automated logic suggests one or more tips so that you can improve the quantity and quality of chat interactions.

One of the easiest ways to help manage the deployment is to leverage scheduled reports. Reports can be scheduled one time and then emailed out automatically on a set frequency, even to individuals who are not set up with Digital DX.