How to monitor the emails of your organization in the Agent Workspace

You can view emails that are waiting in queue, closed, or currently assigned to an Operator in your organization.

To list emails, click the arrow in the-top left corner of the Agent Workspace above your list of sessions.

Important: You must have Actions > Emails > Grid View: All Email Threads permission to see emails in Monitor View.

Then select Email from the Channels drop-down list. Emails are grouped on the following tabs:

Emails in queue waiting to be assigned to an Operator.
Assigned to Agent
Emails which have already been assigned to an Operator.
Closed emails of your organization.

View email details

You can select the level of email details that you want to see in your workspace by clicking the column selector (cogwheel) on the right. Columns in the selector can be sorted by name and order of appearance in the email list. Sorting does not apply to the column order in the email list.

You can also filter emails by department and email folder. To do so, click the department selector or the email folder drop-down list respectively.

Depending on what emails you view, the following email details are displayed:

The date and time when the first Operator accepted the email thread.
The name of the Operator who the email thread is currently assigned to.
Time and date when the email was first answered.
Answered by
The name of the Operator who first answered the email.
Applied rule name
The name of the routing rule that distributes emails based on settings such as Department.
The time and date when the email thread was closed.
Closed by
The name of the Operator who closed the email thread.
Time and date when the customer sent the first email in the thread.
The department the email thread is currently assigned to.
Destination email address
The email address where the customer originally sent the email.
Email account
The email account of the Operator as defined in the Admin Center.
Email count
The combined number of emails that the customer and the Operator have sent in the thread.
Email thread ID
The identifier of the email thread.
Email thread type
The email protocol used to receive emails.
First incoming arrived
Time and date when the first email in the thread arrived at Digital DX.
The email folder in Digital DX where the email is saved.
Last assigned answered
The time and date when the last assigned Operator answered the email.
Last assigned by
Either Automatic Distribution or the Digital DX user who last assigned the email to an Operator.
Last email type
The direction of the last email in the thread, which is either inbound or outbound.
Last incoming arrived
Time and date when the last email in the thread arrived at Digital DX.
The time and date when the Operator opened the first email in the thread.
Queue Time
The time and date when the last email entered the queue. Queued time determines the order in which Automatic Distribution assigns queued emails to Operators.
The subject of the customer's email.
Total reassign
The number of times the email thread was assigned to an Operator.
The time and date when the email thread was last changed.
User email address
The email address of the customer.
User email name
The name of the customer as defined by the email address.

Manage your email threads

You can do the following when you monitor your email threads:

Get the preview of an email
Select an email in the list to get a preview of the ongoing conversation with the customer. The preview is displayed on the email preview panel on the right of the email list.
Search for email threads
You can search for email threads based on any details that you see in the columns. When you type into the Search field above the list of emails, it dynamically filters and lists those emails that contain your search term in any visible columns.
Filter closed email threads
You can list email threads that were closed on selected dates. On the Closed tab at the top of the page, click the date filter drop-down list, which is set to Today by default, then select a pre-defined time span for listing your closed email threads. You can also select a custom date-range from the calendar. Click Refresh to list closed email threads for the selected period. Only those email threads are listed where the Closed date is within the defined period of time.
Filter your own emails
You can list your own emails on the Assigned to Agent and Closed tabs by clicking My items above the list of emails.
Transfer emails
You can transfer emails between Operators in your organization on the Queued and Assigned to Agent tabs. Transferring emails is similar to transferring chats. For more information, see How to transfer a chat in the Agent Workspace.
Sort emails by column
Click the column name to sort emails by that order.

Set up warnings for your emails

You can set up warnings to display that there are issues with some of your email messages. These warnings are displayed when certain pre-defined conditions are met. You can only set up warnings for those columns in Monitor View that contain time, such as time when the email was Created or Answered.

To set up warning, do the following:

  1. In the Agent Workspace, click the arrow above your list of sessions.

    Result: The Monitor View page is displayed.

  2. Click the column selector (cogwheel) on the right.
  3. Under Warning conditions, click No condition set to define when a warning is displayed.

    Result: When the defined time expires, you see email threads marked in red.

    Note: You can define conditions only for columns that display time.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.
