How to restrict customers and agents based on IP address

Gain control over who is able to chat with your organization.

The IP address restriction only applies to the Desktop Client. The Web Admin Center is still accessible from the IP addresses set under Restrictions.
  1. In the Web Admin Center, go to Global Settings > Restrictions.

    Result: The Restrictions page is displayed.

  2. Choose your settings.
    Option Description
    All HTML must be associated with a Website definition Prevent visits from buttons lacking a website association or to require website validation.
    Visit IP Ignore List Add URLs that will not be monitored by the chat button HTML code. That is, customer information will not be collected for visits from listed URLs.
    Extra Security
    • List customer IPs to be blocked from Chats (wildcards are allowed): Enter customer IP addresses to be blocked from engaging in chat.
    • List agent IPs where login is allowed (wildcards are allowed): Enter agent IP addresses who are allowed to log in to the Agent Workspace, Admin Center, Dashboard, and Reports.
    Tip: You can define IP ranges and use wildcards. For example: 123.123.123.*
  3. Save your changes.
Changes are applied to your entire account.