Service-Level Analysis report

See a quick report on the customer support your agents provide.

Fastpath: > New Report > Chat > Service-Level Analysis


See how quickly your organization is answering incoming chats. For all answered chats, the number and percent answered within various amounts of time. The report can be filtered in numerous ways and grouped by date, day of the week, hour, or agent.


See how long you're keeping would-be chatters waiting until they give up on reaching an agent. For all unanswered chats the number and percent that were unanswered within various amounts of time. The report can be filtered in numerous ways and grouped by date, day of the week, hour, or agent.

Chat Duration

See how much time your chats are taking from start to finish. For all answered chats, the number and percent that lasted within various amounts of time. The report can be filtered in numerous ways and grouped by date, day of the week, hour, or agent.

Average Time in Queue

Average Time in Queue answers the following question: How many chats were in the unassigned queue for various amounts of time before being assigned? Each row represents a date, period, or agent. Each column is an amount of time. For a given date, period, or agent, each cell is the number of chats that waited the given amount of time before assignment.

  • Time in queue represents the time from when the customer initiates a chat request (or submits a chat form) until the chat is assigned to an agent, abandoned, or closed
  • The time when a chat is assigned is not the same as when it is accepted by the agent
  • Results also include closed chats (abandoned, not assigned)
  • The Immediate column includes chats that enter the queue and are assigned in less than 2 seconds
  • For chats that are reassigned, time spent in queue is cumulative (each chat is represented only once, but the value in the appropriate time column is the total time spent across all queues)
  • To view time spent in an individual agent's or department's queue for chats that are reassigned, you must filter by agent or department
  • When filtering by agent and grouping by Last Operator, time values represent time in the filtered agent's queue, not the last agent's queue
Note: For Digital DX Service subscribers, the calculation method of certain chat report metrics are affected by conversations with the chatbot as described in Chat reports involving a chatbot. When no custom operator filters are selected, chats assigned to the chatbot are excluded from report.