Auto Answers reports

Analyze how your customers interacted with auto answers.

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Auto Answers Chat Summary

This report provides details about how many customers interacted with auto answers, read content, rated content and went to chat. Use the "Auto Answers Attempt" filter to break down this data for a particular attempt.

Chats - Total clicks
The total number of clicks on chat buttons or invitations to chat sessions where auto answers were enabled.
Chats - No interaction
The number of chats where customers did not interact at all with auto answers.
Chats - Interaction
The number of chats where customers interacted with auto answers.
Read Any Content - Total
The number of customers who read any auto answers.
Read Any Content - Rated Content
The number of customers who read and rated auto answers.
Read Any Content - Went to Chat
The number of customers who read any auto answers and then started a chat session.
Did Not Read Any Content - Total
The number of customers who did not read any auto answers.
Did Not Read Any Content - Went to Chat
The number of customers who started a chat session without reading any auto answers.

Auto Answers Canned Message Summary

Improve the customer experience by analyzing which canned messages are effective and which ones need improvement. See which canned messages were presented to the customer, which ones were rated, and how well they were rated.

Canned Message Name
The name of the selected canned message.
The number of times the auto answer showed up in customer searches.
Clicked - Total Clicked
The number of times a customer clicked on the auto answer.
Clicked - Rated
The number of times an auto answer was clicked and rated.
Clicked - % Rated
The percentage of those auto answers that customers clicked and rated. Calculated as Rated * 100/Total Clicked.
Clicked - Not Rated
The number of times an auto answer was clicked but not rated.
Clicked - % Not Rated
The percentage of those auto answers that customers clicked but did not rate. Calculated as Not Rated * 100/Total Clicked.
Rated - Helpful
The number of times an auto answer was positively rated.
Rated - % Helpful
The percentage of those auto answers that customers rated positively. Calculated as Helpful * 100/Rated.
Rated - Not Helpful
The number of times an auto answer was negatively rated.
Rated - % Not Helpful
The percentage of those auto answers that customers rated negatively. Calculated as Not Helpful * 100/Rated.

Auto Answers Customer Question Detail by Canned Message

Review what types of questions customers enter into the Auto Answers feature. Analyze this information to update canned message content appropriately to improve the effectiveness of Auto Answers.

Customer Question
The customer's question that was submitted to receive auto answers.
Date & Time of Question
The date and time when the customer submitted the question.
The number of times the canned message was displayed as a response.
The number of times a customer selected the canned message.
Not Rated
The number of times a customer selected the canned message, but did not rate it.
The number of times a customer selected the canned message and rated it positively.
Not Helpful
The number of times a customer selected the canned message and rated it negatively.
Position in Response List
The position of the canned message in the response list when the customer submitted a question.
Note: When no custom operator filters are selected the chatbot is excluded from report.