Where to find customer information

The Customer Info Card provides information about the selected customer over chat, email, and messaging channels.

To open the Customer Info Card, do one of the following:

  • Click Customer Info at the top-right corner of the Agent Workspace if you are in expanded view
  • In Monitor View, select a chat and click Show info at the top of the information panel on the right

    Figure 1. Agent's experience in Monitor View
  • In the Agent Workspace, click Show info next to the customer's name in compact view

    Figure 2. Agent's experience in compact view

The Customer Info Card in compact view and Monitor View only displays some of the details available in expanded view. For messages in expanded view, agents can use the pencil icon to edit missing customer details.

Customer information is organized into the following categories:


The name of the customer as entered on the pre-chat form.
The email address of the customer.
Phone number
The phone number of the customer as entered on the pre-chat form.
Customer Info
Additional custom information about the customer. You can define this information with custom variables in the HTML code that you generate when creating a chat button in the Admin Center. For information on custom variables, see Collecting customer data with custom information and variables.
Customer Ref
Passes any information about a specific customer that you define with the vr custom variable in the HTML code that you generate when creating a chat button in the Admin Center.
Customer ID
The Bold360-assigned unique identifier of the customer.


City / region
The city where the customer currently stays. This information is based on the IP address of the customer. Only available for chat sessions.
The country where the customer currently stays. This information is based on the IP address of the customer. Only available for chat sessions.

Pre-Chat form

Initial question
The first question that the customer asked.
Custom fields
Custom fields of the pre-chat form are also displayed on the Customer Info Card. You can define pre-chat custom fields by selecting a chat window on the Channels > Chat > Chat Windows page. Select a chat window and click New custom field on the Pre-chat form tab.


The Bold360 department of the chat, email, or message work item.
The folder that stores the conversation between the customer and the agent over a specific communication channel.


Chat ID
Bold360-assigned unique identifier for each chat.
Visit ID
Bold360-assigned unique identifier for each site visit.
IP Address
The IP address of the customer.
Reverse IP Address
The host name associated with the customer's IP address.
The name of the Bold360 website as set up on the Organization > Websites page in the Admin Center.
Client type
Client type of the chat that the chat assignment belongs to.
Chat Launch URL
The URL of the website where the customer started the chat.
Current URL
The current URL of the customer on the website. This information is updated when the customer navigates to another page of the website.
Custom URL

The custom URL of the chat when it is not the same as the URL of the website hosting the chat. This can be useful for identifying a URL or page that would normally be blocked due to internal IT rules.

Ended reason
Displays the reason the chat ended:
  • Unknown - There is no specific reason for ending the chat
  • Agent - Agent ended the chat
  • Customer - Customer manually ended the chat
  • Disconnect - Disconnected due to network issues, or the customer closed the browser window, which did not send notification to Bold360
  • Bot timeout - A chat was started with the bot in an AI-enabled window, and the customer has neither escalated the chat, nor sent any message to the bot in the last 120 minutes. Such chat sessions are also removed from Monitor View's Bot tab.
    Note: If the customer continues to talk to the bot, the chat re-opens and reappears in the Monitor View, even after the 120-minute timeout.
  • Customer timeout - Chat automatically ended after an admin-defined interval


Time and date when the customer clicked the chat button. Available for chat and message channels.
Time and date when the chat was started. If a pre-chat form is defined, the Started time shows when the customer filled in the form and started the chat. Available for chat and message channels.
Time and date when the chat was first answered. Available for chat and message channels.
Last assigned answered
The time and date when the last assigned agent answered the chat or email. Available for chat and message channels.
The last time the chat was updated. Available for chat and message channels.
Total response time
The total time in seconds that the customer had to wait for answers. Calculated as the aggregate time from every customer message to the subsequent agent reply. When there are multiple customer messages before the agent's reply, response time is calculated from the first customer message. Available for chat and message channels.
Window closed
Time when the customer closed the chat window. Available for the chat channel.
The time and date when the work item was closed. Available for chat and message channels.
Time when the chat ended. Available for the chat channel.
Displays whether the chat was flagged. Available for chat and message channels.


Agent language
Language of the agent as set up in the Admin Center on the Organization > Agents page. Available for chat and message channels.
Agent messages
Number of messages the agent has sent , including bot messages. Available for chat and message channels.
Customer messages
Number of messages the customer has sent. Available for chat and message channels.
Unresponded messages
Number of customer-sent messages received since the last agent message. Available for chat and message channels.
Last message person type
The person who sent the most recent message, which is either the customer or the agent. Available for chat and message channels.

Post-Chat form

Net Promoter Score
Displays the Net Promoter Score (NPS) of the agent on a 1 to 10 scale as evaluated by the customer.
Displays the level of responsiveness of the agent on a 1 to 5 scale as evaluated by the customer.
Displays the level of professionalism of the agent on a 1 to 5 scale as evaluated by the customer.
Displays the level of knowledge of the agent on a 1 to 5 scale as evaluated by the customer.
Displays the level of overall satisfaction of the customer with the agent on a 1 to 5 scale.
Comments of the agent about the customer on the post-chat form.
The experiments in which the customer participates.


User category
The User category that the agent selects in the post-chat form.
Status of the customer as selected by agent in the post-chat form.
Custom field 1
The content of the first custom field as defined in the routing rules. Only available for chat and email sessions.
Custom field 2
The content of the second custom field as defined in the routing rules. Only available for chat and email sessions.

Custom fields

These custom fields are used for storing information about customers' behavior on your website. Such behavior includes for example, changing the cart value by adding a product to the shopping cart. To add custom fields, see What custom information can you define for your outreach activity?

Visit history

Website visits
Number of times the customer visited the website. where the chat window was launched.
Total time of visits
Total time in minutes that the customer spent on the website.
Avg. time of visits
Average time in minutes of the customer's visits.

Outreach details

You must have a Bold360 Acquire subscription to see information in this section of the Customer Info Card. For more information see Build a successful Acquire campaign in or contact your Success Manager. Outreach information is updated real-time in the Customer Info Card.

Activity name
Name of the outreach activity (campaign) that started the chat.
Name of the action in the outreach activity that was triggered.
Displays the outreach activity's rules.

Outreach results

Outreach information is updated real-time in the Customer Info Card.

Purchased value in current visit
Total value of successful purchases in the current visit.
Basket value in current visit
Total value of items that the customer placed in the basket, but has not purchased yet in the current visit.
Conversions in current visit
Number of conversion events in the current visit, such as placing an item to the basket, checkout, and purchase. See Monitor your outreach campaign.
Incomplete conversions in current visit
Number of conversions that have not been completed yet, that is, the customer has not accepted any chat invitations to help them place an item to the basket, checkout, or pay for items.
Total purchased value to date
Total value of the items the customer has purchased during the current and previous visits.
Total conversions to date
Total number of conversions during the current and previous visits.
All invitations
Total number of chat invitations that the customer received based on Outreach campaign definitions.
Accepted invitations
Number of chat invitations that the customer accepted during all visits.
Ignored invitations
Number of chat invitations that were displayed to the customer but were ignored during all visits.
Declined invitations
Number of chat invitations that the customer declined during all visits.