Twitter Login Reports

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Twitter Login Summary

See the amount of time that your operators spent logged in BoldChat with regards to handling tweets. For a given date range, this report shows the number of hours and minutes each operator was logged in as either available or away. A breakdown by BoldChat client application is also included.

Reported data:

Name of the operator.
Twitter Available - Total
The total time the operator spent in available status.
Twitter Available - .NET
The total time the operator spent in available status in the Desktop Client.
Twitter Available - Web
The total time the operator spent in available status in Agent Workspace.
Twitter Available - Mobile
The total time the operator spent in available status in the iPhone app or using the web client on a mobile device.
Twitter Away - Total
The total time the operator spent in Away status.
Twitter Away - .NET
The total time the operator spent in Away status in the Desktop Client.
Twitter Away - Web
The total time the operator spent in Away status in Agent Workspace.
Twitter Away - Mobile
The total time the operator spent in Away status in the iPhone app or using the web client on a mobile device.
% Forced
Percentage of total Away time that was forcibly put in Away status by ACD for not answering an item.

Twitter Login Details

See the time of day associated with both login and logout behavior of operators with regards to handling tweets. The report can be grouped by date or operator and shows the time of day associated with a variety of login/logout behavior. The report shows the client the operator used and what action they took, whether that was logging in as available or away, or logging out.

Reported data:

Name of the operator.
The time of changing the operator's status.
The client where the operator's status was changed.
The action that was taken to change the operator's status.