FB Messenger Activity Summary report

The report contains details such as the number of messages sent and received, average time to respond, number of answered, ended answered and ended unanswered messages, along with average speed to answer and average time to end for answered. Facebook Messenger reports are only available for Digital DX subscribers.

Fastpath: report.boldchat.com > New Report > FB Messenger > FB Messenger Activity Summary

See activity for a specified date range.

Messages sent within the specified date range.
Messages received within the specified date range.
Average time to respond for sent messages that were in reply to a received message.
Messages that were answered within the specified date range.
Average Speed to Answer for answered messages.
Ended Ans
Messages ended in the specified date range that were answered at some time.
Ended Unanswered
Messages ended that have never been answered
Average Time to End for Answered, Ended messages (from Answered to Ended)