How to receive email alerts about changes in an article

You can get notifications when the assignee is changed for an article and when an article is published.

Note: You must have the Enable Notifications account feature turned on to set up email alerts. Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it for you.

There are two types of changes that you can get notifications about:

  • When the article's assignee changes, meaning that the article's Content editor changes. To do so, open an article and click Assign To on the right of the article. Then assign the article to a new user.
  • When someone publishes an article for the first time or changes and publishes the article
Note: You cannot receive a summary email about the changes every X hours or days, as notifications are sent dynamically.
  1. In the Bold360 AI platform, go to the Admin Center > KB Setup.
  2. On the Notifications tab, select the requested alerts.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Periodically check your email inbox to see the notifications. In the email notification, you can see the Article ID and additionally get a direct link to open the related article.