How to add providers

Once you have integrated Digital DX with ServiceNow, you can set up the providers in Digital DX AI to continue setting up your Digital DX Rapid Helpdesk solution.

Make sure you have integrated Digital DX with ServiceNow as described here.

Note: You need Account Manager privileges in Digital DX AI to complete the steps that follow.
  1. Make sure you have the provider configuration files to complete the steps that follow.

    You should have a servicenow-rapid-help-desk folder which contains a providers folder with the following files in it:

    • create-incident.get.js
    • create-incident.detect.js
    • get-open-incidents.get.js
    • get-incident.get.js
    • get-incident.detect.js
    • update-incident.get.js
    • update-incident.detect.js
    If you don't have these files, complete the steps in this article before you proceed.
  2. In the AI Console, go to Admin Center > KB Setup > Providers.
  3. Choose (Add provider).

    Result: The Add Provider dialog is displayed.

  4. On the Add Provider dialog, provide a name for the provider and select Node JS for Provider Type.

    Example: Enter CREATE_INCIDENT as name for the create incident provider.

  5. On the Get Entities Code tab, copy and paste the code from the relevant file.

    Example: For the create incident provider, copy and paste the code from the create-incident.get.js file. You can use Notepad to open the file.

    Note: Make sure you have the code available in the file only in the field on the Get Entities Code tab, that is, delete any code that's in there by default.
  6. Choose Save and Publish and confirm.
    Tip: If the Save and Publish button is not active, try clicking on the tab to make it clickable.
  7. On the Detect Entities Code tab, copy and paste the code from the relevant file, choose Save and Publish and confirm.

    Example: For the create incident provider, copy and paste the code from the create-incident.detect.js file. You can use Notepad to open the file.

    Note: Make sure you have the code available in the file only in the field on the Detect Entities Code tab, that is, delete any code that's in there by default.
  8. On the Supported Entities tab, add the required entities.

    Example: For the create incident provider, add the entities as they are in the following table:

    Table 1. Entities for Create Incident provider
    Name Dependencies Dialog prompt for this entity
    CREATE_INCIDENT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION   Please provide a <b>short description</b> for the incident.
    CREATE_INCIDENT_DESCRIPTION CREATE_INCIDENT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION Thank you. Please provide a <b>description</b> for the incident.
    SN_USER_ID SN_USER_EMAIL Sorry, there was an error creating your incident. Please try again.
  9. Save the provider.