Additional Configuration - Automatic Distribution

Automatic Distribution automatically assigns chats to agents to maximize agent efficiency. Within Automatic Distribution settings, you can set concurrent chat limits, enable queues and more.

Note: This article is part of a Quick Start Guide to help you implement your Bold360 environment from scratch.

To see the below steps in action, view our tutorial:

  1. In the Web Admin Center, go to Channels > Chat > Automatic Distribution. Set up automatic distribution for chat by selecting Enable automatic distribution.
  2. Optional: You can enable a concurrent chat limit which will limit how many chats are assigned to an agent at a time. To do so, enable Concurrent Chat Limit and set this number in the corresponding box.
  3. If you have set a concurrent chat limit, you can route customers to a queue when all agents have hit their concurrent chat limit. Under Queue Length Limits, you can set a hard limit under Maximum in queue or you can set a dynamic limit depending on how many agents are online under Average per agent. If you do not want to enable a queue, you can set Maximum in queue to 0.
  4. You can change the assignment method under Agents Waiting for Assignment. By default, this is set to Least Busy. This is the approach most commonly taken by customers. However, you can choose from the following options:
    • Least Busy. Assign the next incoming chat to the agent who has the fewest active chats and has waited the longest. This naturally means that if you have multiple agents available with no chats, ACD will assign the next incoming chat to the agent who has been in Available status for the longest period of time. Choose this to balance the chat workload between agents.
    • Most Busy. Assign chats to your busiest agents. The next incoming chat is assigned to the agent who is handling the most chats until their limit is reached, and thereafter to the agent who has been idle for the shortest period of time. Choose this option if your agents must manage non-chat tasks along with their chat related work. Those who are chatting will stay busy chatting, while others can stay focused on non-chat tasks. To prevent overload on a single agent, make sure concurrent chat limits are set.
    • Round Robin. Rotate chat assignment among all available agents regardless of waiting time or number of active chats (until their concurrent limit is reached). Choose this option to balance the number of chats assigned per agent. Lower ranked agents will only be assigned a chat if all higher ranked agents have reached their limit.
  5. Save your changes.