Create your first proactive outreach campaign

***These capabilities are in reference to accounts where Bold360 Acquire is currently enabled. We are no longer enabling Acquire on accounts.

On the Engagement > Outreach page, you get an overview of your Bold360 outreach strategy: you see which outreach are running and the number of variations they each have.

To set up your first outreach campaign, do the following:

  1. On the Engagement > Outreach page, click Create outreach at the top of the page.
    Note: You can only edit a sales outreach that has not started yet.
    Tip: You can define your outreach strategy on account level and not on knowledge base level. This is why you see the same outreach campaigns regardless of which knowledge base you use. If you want to separate campaigns for each knowledge base, website, or customer then use naming prefixes and always define a URL as condition to make sure campaigns do not overlap.
  2. In the Outreach title field, name your sales outreach.
  3. Set the duration of your outreach.

    You can define specific dates or decide to manually start and end the sales outreach.

  4. Define criteria for selecting your target audience.

    You can define the criteria with AND/OR relations using the parameters that are listed below.

    Note: If you enable more than one criteria for a particular rule, then - depending on your AND/OR relations - all or some criteria must match for the rule to trigger an invitation. If you do not define any criteria then your sales outreach will target all your customers.
    Criteria name Goal Notes, Tips
    Device type Invite when the customer is using either a desktop or a mobile device.  
    Current URL Invite based on the URL of the page being visited. For example, if you specify /products/shoes.html, then Bold360 only sends an invite if the URL of the page that the customer visits contains that exact phrase. For example, a customer visiting the site would trigger an invite, but a visit to the site would not trigger anything.
    Note: It is recommended to define the Current URL criterion in each outreach campaigns to avoid confusing outreach behavior. Always try to define the most granular URL condition: if you define a campaign for a subpage then use the subpage?s URL as a condition, not just the main domain URL.
    Entry URL Invite based on the URL of the first page the customer sees on your site. Since the entry URL for a particular visit does not change, each page view checks this criteria. To avoid repeated chat invitations during a visit, use this together with the Pages viewed in visit criteria.
    Pages viewed in visit Invite only after customers have viewed a certain number of pages on your site.  
    Referrer URL Invite based on the URL of the page from which the customer entered your site. Since the referral URL for a particular visit does not change, each page view checks this criteria. To avoid repeated chat invitations during a visit, use this together with the Pages viewed in session criteria.
    Country Invite when the customer is in a specific country. You can select multiple countries.
    Email Invite customers whose email addresses contain specific characters. If you previously collected the email address of a customer (for example, in a pre-chat survey) and then that customer came back to the set and got identified again and the system knows his/her email address
    Extra info Define external signals that you can use with your outreach campaign.
    Note: This criteria may not be visible to you. Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it.
    For more information on how to use the extra info condition, see What custom information can you define for your outreach activity?
    Customer info Invite according to information gathered about customers, which contains specific characters. Provided that you collect customer info either via the VMS script from a website element or any other way, you can specify the previously collected info as a trigger for returning visitors.
    Name Invite customers whose names contain specific characters. Provided that you collect customer name either via the VMS script from a website element or any other way, you can specify the previously collected info as a trigger for returning visitors.
    Phone Invite customers whose phone numbers contain specific characters. Provided that you collect customer phone number either via the VMS script from a website element or any other way, you can specify the previously collected info as a trigger for returning visitors.
    Customer ref. Invite customers whose names contain specific characters. Provided that you collect customer ref either via the VMS script from a website element or any other way, you can specify the previously collected info as a trigger for returning visitors.
    Customer status Invite new or returning customers. Choose new or returning from the drop-down list.
  5. Define what to show your customers when approaching them. You can name your actions to easily identify them when you run reports on your strategy.

    By default, the control group is 100% of your customers, who are not offered any of the following options.

    Option Description
    Launch AI chat window Displays a bot chat widget automatically in expanded mode. The drop-down list contains all the AI-enabled chat windows set up in the Bold360 Admin Center and the touchpoints set up in Bold360 AI. Touchpoints where you have defined welcome mode are excluded.

    Optionally, define the minimum amount of time (in seconds) that must elapse after the customer viewed a page and before a chat window is shown. To do so, click the ellipses icon (...) to the right and then click Show more options.

    Launch chat window Displays a minimized agent chat window automatically. As soon as the agent accepts the chat, the window is expanded.

    Optionally, define whether a Bold360 department should be available and the minimum amount of time (in seconds) that must elapse after the customer viewed a page and before a chat window is shown. To do so, click the ellipses icon (...) to the right and then click Show more options.

    Note: The chat window is displayed to customers only if the following conditions are met:
    • Website is open (based on website business hours)
    • Department is open and available ( based on department business hours)
    • ACD assigned the chat to an agent
    • Agent accepted the chat and sent the first message, which can be either a welcome message or something typed in

    When you set up a chat window, it is recommended to use a pre-chat form and define a department specifically for your Acquire campaign-related chats.

    Show custom invitation Displays a pre-defined invitation on the page. Both JavaScript and simple image type invitations can be used. Contact your Customer Success manager to set up a custom invitation.

    Optionally, define whether a Bold360 department should be available and the minimum amount of time (in seconds) that must elapse after the customer viewed a page and before a chat window is shown. To do so, click the ellipses icon (...) to the right and then click Show more options.

    Welcome chat window You can select those touchpoints where welcome mode is enabled. When the campaign action loads, there will be a small chat button with a welcome message. For more information, see How to define welcome messages for chat invitations.

    The widget preview on the right provides a visual representation of the actions of your outreach strategy. To experiment with your outreach strategy, you can split your audience to a control group and a treatment group to perform A/B testing on the performance of your widgets and invitations. By naming your default actions, you can also run reports on those actions. You can run reports to monitor the effectiveness of the individual strategy variations, including your default actions.

  6. Save your sales outreach:
    • Click Save Settings to save it as a draft. When you define a future start date, this option starts your outreach on the specified date.
    • Click Save and Start Now to launch the outreach.
      Note: The actual start date depends on what you defined when setting up an outreach.

How to differentiate customer experience

You can do the following to customize customer experience:
  • Leverage extra signals as triggers and context for the bot
  • Customize touchpoints
  • Set up a welcome message
  • Assign bot or agent depending on your outreach campaign
  • Delay displaying the campaign action for the end-user
  • Leverage the Extended Visitor Information engine to push data from third-parties that can be used later either to trigger a campaign or as context for the bot

How to manage an existing outreach

The outreach list provides an overview of your outreach strategy, including their current status and the number of treatment variations you set up to approach your customers. To update your outreach activities, do the following:

  1. On the Engagement > Outreach page, select an outreach to edit.
    • Select an Idle sales outreach to start it early or update its details
    • Select a Running sales outreach to manually end it.
    Note: To modify a running outreach campaign, you must first stop that outreach, copy it, and then start it with the modified settings.

  2. Update and save your sales outreach.
    • Click Save Settings to update the details of an outreach
    • Click End Now to close a running sales outreach
    • Click Save and Start Now to save the updated details of an outreach and start it immediately