How to use Geofluent for auto-translation

Important: Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable this feature if you want to use it.
Tip: Check out this video to learn how auto-translation work.

Digital DX AI offers automatic language translation in conversational and search modes. It enables your bot to answer your international visitors in any language while end user requests are served from one knowledge base in one language. This feature helps the multilingual support of knowledge bases that frequently change without the need of having to provide the translations as well. The translation engine supports more than 46 languages. The quality of Digital DX's automatic translation is almost as high as if you used a dedicated knowledge base per language.

Customers can switch between viewing the original bot or agent message, and the translated version of the message provided by GeoFluent. By using the toggle displayed above the input filed at the bottom of the widget, customers can check the original message in case of unclear translations. Currently, this toggle is always switched on.

Important: This feature requires a GeoFluent subscription that you can acquire by contacting Lionbridge. Lionbridge will provide you with the account key and secret you need to start using auto-translation.

Features and Benefits

  • Language selector in the beginning of the conversation.
  • Answer content, FAQs, and widget interface are automatically translated.
  • Language selection is saved if the bot conversation is transferred to a live agent.
  • Customers can easily switch between original and translated message.

What languages does GeoFluent support?

GeoFluent supports the following languages in the chat window:

Afrikaans* Arabic* Bengali* Bulgarian* Chinese (Simplified)* Chinese (Traditional)*
Croatian* Czech* Danish* Dutch English (UK)* Finnish*
French French (Canadian)* German Greek* Hebrew* Hindi*
Hungarian* Icelandic* Indonesian* Irish* Italian Japanese
Kazakh Korean Lithuanian Malay* Norwegian (Bokmal)* Norwegian (Nyorsk)*
Polish* Portuguese* Portuguese (Brazilian)* Punjabi* Romanian* Russian*
Serbian Slovak* Spanish Swedish* Tagalog Thai*
Turkish* Ukrainian* Vietnamese*      

* You need to translate the branding of the chat windows.

How to set up auto-translation with GeoFluent?

To set up auto-translation, contact your Customer Success Manager with the following information at hand:

  • GeoFluent Host
  • GeoFluent Account Key
  • GeoFluent Account Secret

How to enable auto-translation?

Once your GeoFluent account is set up for your Digital DX AI account, all your conversational widgets can provide live translations. To enable it, you must set up a language selector as follows:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Knowledge > Add Article.
  2. Create a welcome message as an article, which includes the language selector.
  3. Add a < language_selector / > tag to the article. This tag will be replaced by the languages drop-down list.
  4. Optionally, add a "languages" attribute to the < language_selector > to define the supported customer languages: By default, all languages are listed in the language drop-down list that are supported by your GeoFluent account. The list of languages must be a comma separated list of two-character language codes.
  5. Once you create this message, go to Touchpoints > Widgets and select the widget where you want to use the language selector.
  6. In the Auto Question field, select the newly created message.
  7. Save your changes and you are good to go.

How to use auto-translation with a Digital DX Agent integration?

At the beginning of a chat session, customers can select their language in the widget. When the chat is channeled to a human agent, Digital DX Agent receives the selected language value from Digital DX AI and automatically offers the relevant GeoFluent translations.

Auto-translation in Digital DX Agent takes the following parameters into account:

  • Customer language: Determined by the customer's chat window's language setting or the language the customer selected on the pre-chat form. You can define chat window language defaults in the chat window configuration.
  • Agent languages: The languages the agent speaks, prioritized by fluency level. Configured in the agent settings.
  • Language pairs: The translation pair is supported by your GeoFluent subscription.

If the agent and the customer share a common language, then there is no need for translation and it is switched off by default. Otherwise, if none of the agent languages match the customer language and the language pair is available, messages are translated automatically.

Reports for auto-translations provided by GeoFluent

When auto translations for conversational mode is enabled for an account, you can run reports on three new fields in the Automatic translation section of the Admin Center > Reports page:

  • Auto-translated - true if the query sent to the bot was auto-translated by GeoFluen
  • Query language - the language code of the original end-user query before auto translation. It is "empty" if live translation did not happen for the query
  • Original message - The original end user query before auto translation. The number of unread agent messages can be displayed on the conversational widget in Normal with minimized option mode.

You can group reports by the Auto-translated and Query language options.

Translation Analytics

You can generate reports on GeoFluent-based auto-translation on the Analytics > Reports page of the AI Console. You can select the following report fields from the Automatic translation category:

  • Auto-translated: Displays whether the customer voice was auto-translated
  • Query Language: Language of the original customer voice
  • Original Message: Content of the original customer voice

Notification of auto-translation failure

If GeoFluent translation service is used and it fails to translate the response, a message is displayed that the translation service is not available. The user can then resend the request.