Where to find Operator stats in the Agent Workspace

Operators can view statistics on their performance at a glance in your workspace.

The quick view of your Operator stats is at the bottom-left of the workspace. It allows you to see up to three stats that the admin considered the most important ones.

To see the details of your stats and to view other performance indicators that your admin defined, expand the Operator stats panel.

These indicators provide the following information:

  • Your progress (in percentage) of reaching the daily or weekly target
  • The current value of the selected performance indicator
  • The target value of the selected performance indicator

An administrator can define the following indicators:

  • CC - Closed chats: Number of chats the agent closed
  • NoC - Number of conversions: Number of chats that resulted in sales
  • VoC - Value of conversions: Total value of those sales
  • NPS - Calculated NPS: Net Promoter Score provided by customers in post-survey forms
  • K - Knowledge: Agent's knowledge rated by customers in post-survey forms
  • O - Overall: Agent's overall performance rated by customers in post-survey forms
  • P - Professionalism: Agent's professionalism rated by customers in post-survey forms
  • R - Responsiveness: Agent's responsiveness during chat rated by customers in post-survey forms
Note: Your daily and weekly agent stats also depend on the time zone settings of your LogMeIn account. Choosing the correct time zone impacts reporting.