How can I add conversion tracking?

Note: Conversion tracking has been integrated into Bold360 Acquire. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Here's how to add a new journey (also known as conversion tracking script):

  1. Go to Analytics > Tracking.
  2. Click New Journey Tracking at the bottom of the page.

    Result: The New Journey page is displayed.

  3. On the New Journey page, enter a name and click Next.

    Result: The [New Journey Name] page is displayed.

  4. Set up your journey script:
    1. Track visitors' URL - Choose the domain to which you want to add the journey script and collect journey analytics.
      Tip: To add the journey script to all of your domains, select All Domains.
    2. Track my sales revenue - Include sales revenue in your journey script. You must choose a currency.
      Important: Revenue statistics/analytics will be unavailable unless you enable this option.
    3. Split test control group - Specify the percentage you want to measure within the control group - that is, the number of visitors who will not see a Bold360 AI widget.
  5. Click Next.

    Result: The conversion tracking code snippet is displayed. Here's a sample code snippet:

    <script type='text/javascript' src=' account=YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME&id=JOURNEY_ID&sid=39316202&revenue=TOTAL&orderId=ORDER_ID'> </script>
  6. The code contains placeholders. You must replace these with real values to correctly track your sales:
    1. Replace TOTAL with your current sale value in your currency. For example, revenue=50.00
    2. Replace ORDER_ID with your order ID. The order ID parameter is a dynamic parameter, based on the order ID on your site.