Can I update the meta data of support center pages?

Update the meta title and meta description of support center pages by adjusting the page templates.

The support center is comprised of threr types of template pages: homepage, label page and article page. You can change the meta title and meta description for each type of page. To update the page templates, go to Touchpoints > Support Center, select the support center and go to the Page Templates tab.


The title of the homepage is derived from the value of the Site Name field in the support center settings.

You can change this in the Homepage support center template by updating the following line:

< title >< %Site.Name% >< /title >

To update the description, update the following line by changing Support Center to what you want to display:

<meta description="Support Center"/>

Label page

The title of a label page is derived from the label name.

You can change this in the Label Page support center template by updating the following line:

< title >< %Label.Name% >< /title >

To update the description, update the following line by changing Support Center to what you want to display:

<meta description="Support Center"/>

Article page

Each article can have a meta title and a meta description. By default, the title of the article and the first few sentences of the article are used.

You can change this in the Article Page support center template by updating the following line:

< title >< %Article.MetaTitle% >< /title >

To update the description, update the following line by changing Support Center to what you want to display:

<meta description="<%Article.MetaDescription%>"/>

To save your changes on all template pages, press CTRL-Shift-S.