Tickets SLA Tracking

SLA charts enable tracking your ticketing handling performance.

  • The Response Time and Resolution Time charts show you information regarding tickets first response average time (Response Time) as opposed to tickets closing average time (Resolution Time).
  • The Tickets Status Overview list displays the values of different ticketing statuses, including: replies, open, closed and overdue tickets for last week. Please click on one of the metrics to get a chart for daily/weekly/monthly data.
  • The Goal Overview pie chart displays the percentage of Good SLA, Fair SLA and Overdue according to your goal settings.
  • The Label Statistics chart displays the values of different ticketing parameters for the defined period, sorted by custom labels such as sales or urgent. Click here to find out how to define the labels you want to track.
  • The Agent Performance chart displays the values of different ticketing statuses, including: replies, open, closed and overdue tickets for the defined period, per agent.
    Note: Data is displayed according to the SLA settings in your account. You can change it by clicking Settings.

See How do I set tracking?

Export Tickets' SLA Information

To export tickets' SLA information, do the following:

  1. Go to Analytics > SLA.
  2. On the upper right side of the screen, click on Download Tickets Report..
  3. Select the month and year to export. You can also select a label and choose to include ticket correspondence (both are optional).
  4. Click Download Report
    Note: The data is exported in XML/ CSV format.