Conversion tracking analytics

Note: Conversion tracking has been integrated into Proactive Outreach. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Conversion tracking measures how Digital DX AI affects sales on your website over time.

Digital DX AI uses a split traffic test. Website traffic is split into a Digital DX AI group and control group. This allows the tracking of both conversion rate and average order value, with and without Digital DX AI.

To enable conversion measurement:

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Tracking.
  2. Create a new Journey as described here.
  3. Implement the conversion script on your website. Charts with conversion analysis data are displayed.
Note: The Revenues parameter must be entered in the script for AOV and Incremental Revenue charts to be displayed.

Conversion rate chart

This chart shows the conversion rate of your site for the Digital DX AI group versus the control group (visitors without Digital DX AI).

Formula: Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Number of Visitors) x 100.

AOV Average order value chart

This chart shows the Average Order Value of your site for the Digital DX AI group versus the control group (visitors without Digital DX  AI).

Formula: AOV = Total Revenue / Number of Conversions

Incremental revenue chart

This chart shows the difference in sales revenue between the Digital DX AI group versus the control group (visitors without Digital DX AI). For this calculation, control group sales are represented by extrapolated data that works on the assumption that all visitors are in the control group.

Formula: Incremental Revenue = Digital DX AI group Revenue - (Total Visitors x Conversion Rate Control Group x AOV Control Group).

  • Total revenue assisted by Digital DX AI is the total revenue from users in both groups during the selected time period.

Funnel chart

  • Total visitors: The total number of visitors to your website.
  • Visitors: The number of visitors who are shown a Digital DX AI widget versus those who are not (Control Group).
  • Converted: The percentage and total number of purchases made by users who used Digital DX AI versus those who did not.
  • Average order value: Provides you with the amount dependent on your currency set up by the amount of order revenues which were increased by users with Digital DX AI widgets against those who are not displayed with the Digital DX AI Widgets.
  • Total revenue: Total sales revenue from users who saw a Digital DX AI widget versus those who did not.


This chart is divided by two sections.

  • Topics leading to conversion: Questions asked by your customers on Digital DX AI before conversion.
  • Recent Conversions: A log of conversions tracked on your website.