AIVoices Articles

What is Smart Advisor 2.0?

The enhanced Smart Advisor 2.0 suggests answers to the agents in real-time based on what the visitor is asking in the chat.

Important: Both versions of Smart Advisor are available to agents if Bold360 Agent is integrated with Bold360 AI and is enabled on both platforms. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Smart Advisor is the intelligent search available in the Agent Workspace that agents can use while chatting with clients. It provides agents with access to the company’s knowledge base and enables collaboration between agents who chat with customers and knowledge base managers who create support and chatbot content. Smart Advisor 2.0 provides the following features:

Onboarding Cards

Smart Advisor displays onboarding cards by default, which enable agents to get up to speed on how to use the Smart Advisor panel. The content of the onboarding cards reflects the options enabled for Smart Advisor. For example, if comments are enabled, the related onboarding card is displayed.


Smart Advisor can display an FAQ, which may include articles that provide answers to hot topics: for example, if there is an outage, knowledge base managers can add an article to the FAQ so that agents see that article first in Smart Advisor.


To control what content is displayed in the Smart Advisor, the touchpoint can be set to take one or more contexts into consideration and only display articles that have the specified context. To learn more about how to set up the touchpoint in Bold360 AI, see this article in the Bold360 AI platform support center.

Article Information

Smart Advisor can display information about who updated the article last and when it was last updated. This information can be useful to agents: they can see whether the information is up to date and who they can contact about the article.


Smart Advisor can also display the labels associated with the article so that agents can decide if the content of the article is relevant to their query.

Articles with Links

Smart Advisor supports articles with links. Knowledge base managers can create articles that cover the initial question and detail the specifics in separate articles that readers can get to using quick buttons or links. This way agents can find the answers they’re looking for in an interactive way.


Agents can leave comments on how to improve an existing article. These comments are visible to all other agents in the Agent Workspace. Knowledge managers can find these comments on the Comments tab in the Article Editor for the relevant article.

Article Suggestion

Agents have two options to suggest content:

  • By choosing the Suggest as article option next to an answer they just entered in the chat
  • By choosing Suggest Article after their search yields no results

Either way, an article editor is displayed and they can provide a title for the article and enter content in the description field and submit their suggestion. Knowledge managers can find these articles in the Bold360 AI platform under Knowledge > Suggested articles.

Confidential Content

When Smart Advisor is enabled, knowledge managers can mark parts of an article’s content as confidential. Such parts are displayed differently in Smart Advisor and agents can’t copy them thus reducing the risk of sharing confidential information with people outside the company. For more information, see How can I mark parts of an article as confidential? in the Bold360 AI platform support center.

Voices Map

For a given knowledge base, you can view user queries on a map in real time according to the user location.

When a user submits a query, it appears on the map.

To open the map, either go to the Dashboard and click the map icon, or go to Voices > Voices Map in the AI Console menu.

To zoom in and out, use the buttons in the bottom-right corner of the map.

What are answered sessions?

By Widget

User queries for which an answer was presented or selected and for which the user did not select a channel option (email or chat, for example).

  • If the user is shown an automatic answer but then remains idle for approximately 45 seconds and then escalates, the session remains unanswered.
  • If the user asks variations of the same question (for example "What", "What is", "What is Bold360 AI?") an answered session is counted only if "What is Bold360 AI" has answers.
  • If the user asks a question and deletes it (for example, "What is Bold360 AI?", "What is") answered-sessions will be counted only if "What is" has answers.
  • For widgets using the Slim skin: The session counts as answered if the user chooses any of multiple articles received in response to their query. If the user does not select any article within three minutes (that is, they do not expand any article), the session is considered unresolved.
  • When FAQ widget is in use and the user expands a FAQ item, the session is counted as answered.
  • If the user does not use the widget for approximately 45 seconds, activity is counted as a new session.
By Chat (escalated via channeling)

A session is answered when the chat agent answers the incoming request.

The following scenarios do not influence the number of Answered sessions:

  • Ticket closed without answering
  • Correspondence in the ticket/email
  • Resume to chat
  • Using Bold360 AI suggestions during chat
By Email
  • An agent answers a ticket via email
  • An agent answers a ticket using the Bold360 AI inbox
  • Answering to a forwarded Bold360 AI ticket outside the Bold360 AI ticketing system (e.g. using personal email client)

How can I export voices?

You can export voices from the Unanswered, Answered and Muted categories in Search Optimizer.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Voices > Search Optimizer.
  2. Optional: Apply filters and change the time frame.

    These changes will be reflected in the exported file.

  3. Expand for the selected category.
  4. Select one of the export options.

    To export the content of the table to a comma-separated values (CSV) file or an Excel file, use the respective option under Export Voices.

    To export the details of the voices to a comma-separated values (CSV) file or an Excel file, use the respective option under Export Events Log.

How can I assign users to voices?

You can assign users to customer voices in Search Optimizer to create or revisit articles based on customer needs.

To assign users to voices in Search Optimizer, you must have the Enable voice assignment option enabled for your account. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more details.

  1. In the AI Console, go to Voices > Search Optimizer.
  2. Search for the voice that you want to assign.
  3. Choose in the Owner column.
  4. On the Set the owner pane search for a specific user or find one in the list and select Set as new owner.

Users can find all voices assigned to them under Voices > Assigned to Me.

What are the event log API and voices API?

The Bold360 AI event log API and voices API enable you to collect history of voices and event logs.

To learn more about these APIs, visit our Rest API & SDK Reference.

What do I do with inappropriate queries?

Sometimes your customers might ask questions that you don't want to or shouldn't answer.

The best way to handle inappropriate queries is to mute them as they come in to Search Optimizer. After muting once, knowledge base managers won't have to review the same inappropriate queries again.

How do I manage unanswered voices in Search Optimizer?

Look at and act on unanswered voices in Search Optimizer to improve the content of your knowledge base.

Voices in the Unanswered category in Search Optimizer may provide insight about possible gaps in the knowledge base. Voices in the Answered category might also give you an idea about how you could improve the content of your knowledge base.

To complete tasks in the Unanswered category, proceed as follows:

  1. In the AI Console, go to Voices > Search Optimizer.

    Once in Search Optimizer, you can search for a specific voice, use filters and change the time frame for which the voices are displayed in the tables.

  2. Select a voice in the Unanswered category.

    You can select a voice cluster and all its voices or select a single voice.

  3. Optional: On the pane that appears, expand the details of the voice to see more info about it.

    Among other things, you can see the number of hits or the URL where the voice was asked. If you expand the User Flow section, you can see what the user was asking before and after this voice.

  4. Fix the voice. You have the following options:
    • Add the voice as phrasing or negative phrasing to an existing article: you can use the search to find a relevant article, or go through the ones listed under Strongly related articles and Potential answers. Offline articles have an Offline label in the list.
      Tip: Select the Show online only option to exclude offline articles. To add the voice as a phrasing, hover over the article and choose Add as a phrase. You can edit the voice before you add it as a phrasing. Voices you add as phrasings are removed from Search Optimizer.
    • Create a new article: if you don't find an article in the Strongly related articles or Potential answers and can't find one in the knowledge base that answers the voices, you can create a new article. Voice you create new articles for are removed from Search Optimizer.
    • Delete the voice: if the voice is irrelevant or you don't understand what the customer was looking for, you can delete the voice. Deleting the voice removes it from Search Optimizer.
    • Mute the voice: if the voice is not relevant for your business, you can mute it. If you mute a voice, it is moved to the Muted category. You can unmute a voice any time.
What's next? You can complete these steps for voices in the Answered category as well.

How to add negative phrasings in Search Optimizer

You can add voice as a negative phrasing to an article in the Search Optimizer so that the bot knows what customer voices the article should not answer.

Note: To add negative phrasings, you must have the Enable negative examples account feature enabled. Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable these features for your account.
  1. In the AI Console, go to Voices > Search Optimizer.
  2. Select a voice.
  3. On the Details panel on the right, under Strongly related articles, click Do not answer.

    Result: The phrase is added to the selected article as a negative phrasing.

What is Search Optimizer?

Search Optimizer is your ultimate content optimization tool.

Search Optimizer provides a list of optimization tasks you can complete to improve end user experience. It provides you with information that you can review and decide whether changes need to be performed on articles in the knowledge base.

Search Optimizer displays tasks related to voices and voices clusters: you can think of it as an inbox of optimization tasks. Each task that is managed and completed, is removed from Search Optimizer to make sure that your inbox is always up to date.

How does Search Optimizer organize voices?

Search Optimizer groups voices into four categories:


Lists voices that the bot could not answer. By looking at the unanswered voices, you can decide whether you need new content to answer a question or you just need to add a new phrasing to an existing article, so that the bot can offer that article as a response.


Displays voices that the bot answered. By looking at the voices in this category, you can make sure that the bot provides relevant answers to customer questions. In this category the top-level voice is the title of the article that was presented to the customers and sub-groups display the customer questions.


Lists article titles and the reactions customers had after reading the article, including:

  • Positive and negative feedback including textual feedback
  • Number of times the article was channeled, that is, escalated
  • Overall reaction to the article

The reaction on a specific article is

  • Neutral if the difference between the number of positive and negative feedback is less than five.
  • Positive if the article has received positive feedback at least six more times. For example, the article received positive feedback 20 times and negative feedback 14 times or less.
  • Negative if the article has received negative feedback at least six more times. For example, the article received negative feedback 20 times and positive feedback 14 times or less.

You can use this category to identify whether content is relevant, or it needs update.


Displays voices that you want to hide from content administrators. It?s possible that a muted voice was answered by the bot, but you still decide to hide it. As best practice, you would only mute voices that are irrelevant to your business.

Voices and the Dashboard: Capturing and analyzing user intent

You can use voices on the Dashboard to identify interesting insights and trends.

The Dashboard displays voice clusters and voices as tiles. See What are voices? to learn more about voices and how they are organized in Bold360 AI.

Using Dashboard Tabs

The following tabs are available on the Dashboard:

Top Trending Displays the most popular voices and clusters for the selected period.
Unresolved Shows voices and clusters for which no answer was presented or selected, or which received negative feedback.
Unanswered Displays voices and clusters for which no answer was presented or selected.
Channeled Shows voices and clusters that ended with the user choosing an escalation channel.
Completed Displays voices and clusters where an answer was offered to the user and they did not give negative feedback, or where multiple answers were presented to the user, they chose one and did not give negative feedback.
Muted Shows voices that have been muted to reduce noise on the Dashboard.
Feedback Displays voices that received feedback. Feedback can be text or icon clicks, for example, thumbs up or down.

Colors and Tile Size

Size represents a tile's popularity: The bigger the tile, the more popular the voice or cluster.

Colors represent user sentiment for a cluster or voice for the selected time period.


Indicates negative sentiment as per the account health threshold settings:

  • No answer was presented for a single voice or one or more voices in a cluster
  • At least one answer was presented, but none was selected
  • An answer was selected but the user responded with negative feedback

For clusters, it means that

  • There is at least one red voice in the cluster
  • There are multiple negative signals inside the cluster that exceed the threshold (all voices in the cluster can be blue while the cluster is marked as red)
Blue Indicates positive sentiment as per the account health threshold settings. An answer was presented to the user.
Green Indicates that the amount of positive feedback is above the account health threshold.
Grey Shows voices that have been muted.

See What are account health settings? for more information about account health threshold settings.

Can I apply context filters to voices?

The contextual search filter enables you to easily filter visitors' queries by context.

There are two ways to open the contextual filter:

  1. Go to Voices > Search Optimizer and click the funnel icon
  2. Go to Analytics > Voices and click the funnel icon

Contextual filtering in Search Optimizer

To use contextual filters in Search Optimizer, select the Context option and select a context category. Then select one or more values for the selected category. To search for items that have no value specified for a certain category, select the None Values option.

Contextual filtering in Voices Analytics

The names of the context categories are listed on the left side. Specify one or more values for one or multiple categories.

Under each category, there are four filtering options for each search:

  • No filter: All results are displayed, that it, no context filter is applied.
  • Selected values: Only selected items from the list on the right are displayed.
  • Non-empty values: Only items containing a defined value are displayed.
  • Empty values: Only items not containing a value are displayed.

How to use Search Optimizer

Search Optimizer provides valuable insights about possible gaps in the knowledge base and enables knowledge base managers to complete content optimization tasks.

Knowledge base managers use Search Optimizer to do the following:

  • See the details of a voice or voice cluster: for example, the number of hits, the URL where the voice was asked, and so on
  • Review if voice clusters are grouped correctly before taking action: if specific voices in the cluster don't belong, treat them separately before tackling the cluster
  • See the user flow, that is, the voices that precede and follow the selected voice
  • See a list of strongly related articles that might contain the answer
  • Search for and filter voices
  • Create a new article for the voice, in case there is no matching answer in the knowledge base
  • Add the voice as a phrase to an existing article as is or after editing it
  • Add the voice as a negative phrase to an article that should not be returned as an answer to the given query
  • Mute voices that shouldn't appear in the Dashboard, since they don't provide any insight or don't require any action
  • Delete voice tasks to keep the lists of tasks clean in Search Optimizer
  • Download voices to a comma-separated (CSV) file or Excel file to work with them offline
  • Assign a user to a voice to make them responsible for the specific task

How do I prioritize tasks in Search Optimizer?

Here are a few things you can take into consideration when deciding how to prioritize tasks:

  • How popular the voice is
  • Which category the voice is in
  • What the trend looks like for the voice
  • Who is available to deal with it


If you look at the Hits column of a voice, you can see the number of times the customers asked a question with the same intent on the touchpoints. These questions with similar intent are grouped to voices and voice clusters: this grouping provides insight on what the current "hot topics" are.

The number in the Hits column is not the total number of hits for a particular voice, but the number of hits since a task related to the voice was last completed in Search Optimizer. This way, you can always see tasks that need your attention based on recent traffic as opposed to total traffic. It is recommended to clear all tasks from Search Optimizer, and let the traffic insert tasks from scratch.


Search Optimizer groups voices into four categories. See What is Search Optimizer? to learn more about these categories. We recommend you prioritize popular voices that were not answered first. Then look at popular voices in the Answered category that received negative feedback or were channeled to see how you can improve existing content. If a specific topic needs to be addressed, use context filters.?


The trend shows the relative difference in the number of hits during the selected time interval and the time interval that precedes the selected time interval. So, if the selected time period is the current week, the trend is calculated relative to the previous week. When there is no value for a trend, it means that there were no hits either in the current period or the reference period of the trend.

Trend is calculated as follows:

For example, the selected time period is the current week and the number of hits is 500. The number of hits was 550 during the previous week. Using the above formula, the trend is -10%.

Workload Management

Search Optimizer supports the collaboration of a team of content managers who work in parallel on the same knowledge base. You can assign owners to voices and voice clusters. By assigning an owner to a voice, you can balance content optimization workload based on business priorities and organizational structure.

Note: To use workload management in Search Optimizer, you must have the Enable voice assignment option enabled for your account. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more details.

What makes a query "Unresolved"?

Customer queries for which no answer was presented or selected, negative feedback was provided, or which the customer escalated to a channel (email or chat, for example) are referred to as unresolved or unanswered.

To help understand why a query is marked as unresolved, generate a report using the Unresolved Reason field, as follows:

  1. Go to Analytics > Reports.
  2. On the Fields tab under Resolution, select the following fields: Resolved, Unresolved Reason, Expanded.
  3. Select additional fields as necessary. Suggested additional field are the following:
    • Time > Date & Time
    • Content > Query
    • Content > Article Title
    • Count > #Negative FB
  4. Run the report.

Values of Unresolved Reason:

  • Not expanded: The user did not select any of the answers presented.
  • Negative Feedback: The user selected an answer and then responded with negative feedback.
  • Channeled: The user chose a channel option (email or chat, for example).
  • No Result: No answers were presented to the user.

Values of Expanded:

  • Yes: The user selected an answer to view, including cases when only one answer was presented and automatically expanded. (For those instances when a user was presented multiple options, the report contains only the Article Title of the first article shown to the customer. The report cannot tell you which article the user actually selected.)
  • No: The user did not select any of the answers presented.
  • No Data: No data was collected because either the widget was not slim or it was Conversational or Mobile SDK.

What is the inner voices page?

For any Voice on the dashboard, click the Inner Voice icon or the tile itself to explore data such as feedback, negative signals and Phrase Interactions (the number of times the same question was asked using the same words).

Inner Voice Options

Ignore the open query for this voice. This changes the voice to resolved (blue).
Create or edit an article that answers the voice.
Edit the article currently attached to the voice.

For additional information, read this article: Voices and the Dashboard: Capturing and analyzing user intent

What are voices?

Voices represent the questions your customers are asking on Bold360 AI self-service touchpoints.

With voices, you can gain valuable insight into any potential gaps in your knowledge base, and resolve issues related to customer queries.

How does Bold360 AI group customer voices?

Each time a user asks a question on a Bold360 AI touchpoint, a customer query is collected. Bold360 AI's algorithm groups queries that have the same semantic meaning, that is, the same intent, into voices. The voices that it identifies as very similar in their intent are grouped together to voice clusters.

To illustrate the difference between voices and voice clusters, see the following example:

How to gather user feedback is a voice cluster. This cluster contains the following four voices:

  • How to gather user feedback
  • feed back
  • instant feedback
  • give feedback

How to gather user feedback is the voice cluster because this voice was asked first. Bold360 AI?s NLP algorithm considered the other three voices that were asked later as close in meaning and grouped them together with the original voice.

How to gather user feedback is the title of the voice cluster and it is also a voice. In this example, it was asked 32 times as shown by the number of hits. However, the number of hits does not mean that the exact same query was asked 32 times. It only means that 32 questions were asked where the intent was very close in terms of semantics.

To sum up, several intents make a voice, and voices that are close in meaning are often grouped to a voice cluster.

How do I use voices in Bold360 AI?

Voices and voice clusters are displayed in the Dashboard and in Search Optimizer.

The Dashboard displays voice clusters and voices as tiles. You can use voices on the Dashboard to identify interesting insights and trends. See Voices and the Dashboard: Capturing and analyzing user intent to learn more about the Dashboard.

Search Optimizer displays tasks related to voices: you can find the voice clusters here too, so that the entire cluster can be handled as one or separated when specific voices inside the cluster should have different answers. You can use Search Optimizer for content optimization. For more information see How to use Search Optimizer 2.0.

You also have the option to generate a full report on voices for further analysis. To do that, go to Analytics?Reports in Bold360 AI.

Voices overview

Voices are a visual representation of the questions your customers are asking on Bold360 ai self-service engagements. With Voices, you gain valuable insight into customer sentiment by tracking question trends, answer feedback and problem resolution.

How are Voices collected?

Every time your customers asks a question or looks up information on Bold360 ai's self-service touch points, a customer interaction or inquiry is collected. Bold360 ai's algorithm clusters these inquiries into phrases and the phrases into voice clusters. Bold360 ai keeps track of all of these voice and displays them as tiles on your dashboard. The bigger the tile, the more popular that topic is in your customer' voices.

Users often ask the same questions in many different ways. Bold360 ai groups similar questions together to present a clear picture the different topics your customers are asking about. Click on a voice to see the different phrasings your customers use to ask that question.

Clicking a voice phrasing from within the search optimizer shows the phrasing details, including the current answer provided by Bold360 ai as well as any feedback information.

A voice is mapped to an article via the article title and the phrases that underpin an article.

How do Voices reflect customer sentiment?

Your customers are encouraged to leave feedback during their engagement with Bold360 ai self-service channels. If they like the answer, the voice 'like' counts increases. If they dislike something they'll have to chose between several reasons. Voices with negative feedback are counted as unresolved.

in Voices, Bold360 ai shows customer feedback using tile colors: blue tiles represent neutral sentiment and correspond to resolved engagements, red tiles represent negative sentiment and correspond to unresolved engagements, green tiles represent extremely positive feedback. For more depth on the algorithm that defines the sentiment level and how to configure it click here.

Voice views

You can filter the voices to focus on specific types of engagements you're interested in. The number on each tile indicates the number of engagements in which that voice was searched.

The following voice views are available:

Top Voices

This shows all Bold360 ai engagements that were tracked during the selected time frame.


These voices show users that were dissatisfied with something: either they didn't receive an answer, or they left negative feedback. A voice can be marked as unresolved regardless of whether it was re-channeled or not.


This shows all voices that have been re-channeled to chat or email agents.

What is the User Flow view?

The User Flow view gives you visual representation of what happened before and after a question was asked. Use it to gain better understanding of the context, process, and trends in the customer journey and to help draw connections between questions that are often asked together.

Accessing the User Flow

  1. Go to the Dashboard and click any voice cluster.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the cluster, click the User Flow icon.

Reading the User Flow

At the center of the flow is the specific question under examination.

  • Have a look at the left to see the actions the user performed before asking their question.
  • Have a look at the right to see actions that followed the question.
  • Click on a specific action on the left side (or right side) of the screen to see the flow of the specific action.


Genesys DX/Bold360 End of Life: January 2024

The Genesys DX (Bold360) platform will end of life on January 31st, 2024. This difficult decision was announced in March, 2023.  

Genesys continues to make a strong commitment to Genesys Cloud, while tightening the portfolio to further accelerate feature growth on the platform. Part of that included bringing over key Genesys DX features to Genesys Cloud CX, such as Knowledge Optimizer that focuses on ease-of-use knowledge management. Digital only licenses for Genesys Cloud were also introduced late last year, which are suitable to those who are not looking for voice capabilities or who need agent seats that only feature support for digital channels. 

Details on the end of life timeline

As of January 31st, 2024, access to Genesys DX product interfaces and customer-deployed components stop to function. Users will no longer be able to log into product interfaces, and all of the boldchat/bold360/nanorep domains will become unavailable for use. If you are curious on what the code on your website related to this might look like and how to remove it, we encourage referencing this post on the DX community

After January 31st, 2024, admins will still be able to get access for an additional 30 days. This period is meant to allow for extracting the necessary data from the platform. Historical data extraction from your account will be available to retrieve by data extraction APIs (Bold360 APIs and Nanorep APIs).